24 1 0

Yoonna was in the kitchen busy preparing for dinner since Yoonsu was out today, leaving her to make food for herself and their brother. She laid down the last plate of sushi at her brother's seat and left for her room to grab her phone.

"Cheol, food is really," she informed her brother who was currently on his computer playing ranking.

"Ok, I will finish this game." He replied.

She went back to the dining table, scrolling through her phone while eating her food.

An unknown number texted her, and out of curiosity, she opened it.


Unknown: Hello Yna

Unknown: I have discussed with our company

Unknown: They said they will give you a chance to prove that you are capable

Unknown: So like, can you come over again? At 3 pm?

Block | Accept

Block | Accept

Who is this

Unknown: Oh wait

Unknown: Forgot you didn't have my number

Unknown: Hello, it's Taeyong here

Unknown: got your number from your ID details

Unknown: I have yet to have your real name though :(


Changed Unknown to Taeyong

Taeyong: Yoonna, nice name

Taeyong: Could you come tomorrow?

I have a shift from 2 until 7

Taeyong: Ah wait

Seen 05:27 pm

Taeyong: I have asked Kun, he said you can come after we finish

How did you know I work for Kun?

Taeyong: Jaehyun told me what happened

Taeyong: Sorry for Haechan's attitude

Taeyong: He is a bit sensitive to people and their opinions, especially on medias

I forgot Hendery said Kun is in NCT too

Replied to 'Sorry for Haechan's attitude' 🙄

Taeyong: 😅

Taeyong: replied to 'I forgot Hendery said Kun is in NCT too' Yea they are

Taeyong: I hope you don't mind? Will you still be coming?


Taeyong: Ok, see you tomorrow

See you

Seen 08:13 pm

"Don't mind my ass, I was going to ignore him but he was being annoying," Yoonna scoffed, stuffing a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

"At least ask him to apologise instead of doing it for him."

Yoonna waited for one of them to bring her in, this time sitting in the lobby of the building instead of standing outside. She glanced around, finding the lobby wasn't as crowded compared to the outside of the building where a few fans would wait there just to meet the players.

"Is Yna here?" A voice resonated from the elevator to the lobby, gaining the attention of the workers and some interviewees there. Yoonna groaned, looking up from her phone towards a male who was wearing baggy clothes and looking around the lobby.

She stood up, slinging her bag over and went towards him. "Hello."

She greeted him as soon as she was standing in front of him, staring up at him.

"Uhh," The male rubbed his neck, finding his actions just now embarrassing. "Are you Yna?"

Yoonna nodded. The male typed into his phone for a moment before looking back at her and gesturing for her to follow.

Taeyong was already waiting at the elevator when they stepped out. He smiled at her when she made eye contact with him, gesturing to the same room she had entered the last time she came.

This time they had a few more people surrounding five players on the seat, a male and a female who seemed to be their coach and manager noting down their progress. Taeyong greeted the two as he talked to them, while Yoonna scanned the boys that were playing in their seats.

Jaehyun, the guy that brought her here last time, Renjun is here too, and the guy that led her to the elevator and three more unfamiliar faces. (Taeil, Jaehyun, Johnny, RJ, Mark, CL, Jeno)

"Yoonna, they were about to end the round. Do you mind playing for the next round?" Taeyong, who had come back to her side questioned her when he noticed she was alone standing beside the closed door.

Yoonna shook her head. She placed her bag on the floor where Taeyong instructed her to and followed him towards the computers.

"Boys, she will be playing with you for a few rounds of 3 vs 3. I hope you all won't make her uncomfortable."

The boys there nodded and a few smiled and waved at her, while the others didn't say anything. Yoonna shrugged when her eyes landed on Renjun, who was mouthing to her 'good luck' even though she could sense that he has question upon seeing her presence there. 

Finally! My exams are finished! two more weeks and I will be having my break. I will try to continue uploading while during the break hehe

there's not much of readers here 😥 I'll still try my best to write this book no matter what

Have a good weekend and see you guys in the next chapter again! :D

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