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The bracket [] shows conversation from audio chats in games

"Support, where are you? You are supposed to help me," the voice of Yoonna's could be heard through the room as she aggressively punched a few keys on her keyboard before her mouse clicked. She bit her lips as her hands moved on itself, controlling her character on the screen forward.

"Don't push, support don't push please," she sighed when she saw her teammate who was playing support went in front from the rest of the teammates and tried to kill the opponent only to be killed in an instance, the robotic voice announcing the death of their fellow player. She let out a groan and furiously clicked on her mouse, retreating her character back to a safe distance under the tower.

[Top lane cleared.] Her teammate informed, Yoonna hummed as a response. "Is jungle there?"

Another player hummed resonated into her headphones, [helping top right now, we try to push two towers for this wave].

"Support, you shouldn't be pushing, you are supposed to assist your teammates," she sighed harshly again when she saw the support player went to the middle lane, trying to get some kills alongside the middle lane player. Her teammate whom she supposed was in charged of the middle lane cursed through the mic as his minions were snatched.

[Hey! Stop stealing my minions! I need to get some money to buy stuff!]

[Is our support player muted? Or they don't even know they are a support?] The jungle player questioned as they attacked through their lanes towards the opponent's base.

"Probably muted," she confirmed after calling the username of the support player a few times. She tried to text on the textbox, but the player didn't respond to their message.

"Whatever," she mumbled, moving her character towards the top lane as the topsolo requested for them to attack together.

The sign of victory filled the computer screen and she shook her head, feeling as if this game wasn't thrilling at all.

[AD, you carried the game very well, are you perhaps in a team too?] One of the players' voices asked.


[Do you want to join, if you were given a chance?] Another player asked, earning himself a sarcastic laugh from Yoonna.

[Hyung what are you doing,] the last player who was still in the voice call with them demanded. Yoonna didn't bother to question if they knew each other, but replied to the first question.

"Depends on their skills and the contract, but unfortunately none accepted my application."

Yoonna had read a few contracts the smaller companies offered her when she interviewed. Through all the small companies that wanted to hire her as a player, she had come to know what she hoped the company would allow her and give her as per request in the contract. She became cautious and picky for her teammates, the company contracts and their management.

The team she was in a few months ago was one of the companies she agreed to their offers.

However, as soon as she joined them, she noticed that they did not follow the contract and had denied her request. Ever since then, she didn't bother if the coach would give her dirty glances or ignored her and continued to watch the team play, noting down everything she learnt from the teammates and sometimes the coach.

The voice call ended after the male who asked her the question claimed that he needed to leave and promised to contact her again. Yoonna glanced back at the message the midsolo player sent to her. An address. She typed the address into the internet, seeing the familiar name popped out from her browser.


She bitterly smiled at the name, the email she received reminded her she wasn't qualified to join them flashed in her mind.

The chat box lit up again and another message from JJ was shown.


JJ: Are you free tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon?

JJ: Our leader wants to test you, your skills in the previous game really stood out

Sorry, as much as I did like to, no, I won't go

And I don't know who is the leader you are talking about

JJ: Why?

JJ: Our leader is the one who played topsolo just now

I am not qualified

CTechnology didn't accept me

JJ: What do you mean?
Seen 11:56pm

JJ: I asked our leader, he said he really want to see your skills

JJ: Please

JJ: Just come over, we will deal with the company after that
Seen 00:04am

I will think about it

JJ: Thank you!
Seen 03:28am

Hello! My first day of exams starts this coming Tuesday 😣 I have decided to put away other stuff and focus on my studies and my exams so I won't be updating much during these coming 3 weeks. I will come back after I finished around 8 papers as I will have 3 weeks of non-exam week before my last 3 papers

Therefore, see y'all after 3 weeks and hope you all will have a great day and also stay healthy! 

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