Verdict and A Toast

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It has been over a week since trial. The jury is taking a hell of a long time on that verdict. I'm starting to believe he won't ever be convicted. If he's not, what am I going to do? I'm not safe if he's out running the streets. I'm worried beyond compare. Nick is beginning to notice my behavior is different.
Nick: Baby. What's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately...
Me: Nick. I haven't been myself since I was attacked..
Nick: I know but...this is a new kind of different. You barely even talk to me anymore. What's going on sweetheart?
My stomach gave a huge lurch because I remembered that Simon called me sweetheart in the courtroom.
Me: It just that...what if Simon isn't convicted? I mean come on. The jury is taking forever. It's stared to worry me Nick. I'm scared...
Nick: Baby. Don't worry. That sick son of a butch is going away for a long time for what he did to you. The jury won't be able to resist putting him in prison. If they do find him not guilty, I'll be the one going to prison for killing the fucker.
Me: Nick..
Nick: Sorry I'm just really pissed off.
My phone rang.
Me: *sigh* Rollins...
Barba: Amanda. They've reached a verdict.
My heart dropped into my stomach. Oh god.
Me: uh...okay...we'll be right there.
I hung up. My face was blank and pale.
Nick: Amanda? Who was that?
He was startled because of the look on my face.
Me: They've reached their verdict...
Nick and I sat in the courtroom along with Olivia and the rest of the squad. Simon sat in the defendants spot.
Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict?
Juror: We have your honor. On the count of rape in the second degree, we find the defendant.........
There was a long silence and I grabbed Nick's hand and I was shaking...
Juror: Guilty.
Nick and I sighed of relief.
Juror: On the count of assaulting a police officer we find the defendant......guilty.
I gasped and Nick and I jumped up and hugged each other. I was crying frantically and he was caressing my back and he was also crying.
Judge: Simon Marsden you will be remanded to Rikers until 3 weeks from now to await sentencing. Members of the jury, state of New York thanks you for your service. Court adjourned.
I ran out of the courtroom with a huge smile of my face. I was so happy that he had been found guilty on both charges!! The whole squad, including Nick and Olivia, gave me a huge group hug. I was shaking.
Nick: See. I told you. Nothing to worry about babe! I love you!
He kissed me. This was the best I had ever felt in my entire life. It felt like fireworks were going up around Nick and I. This was the best day ever. Simon was convicted. And I'm standing here, with the love of my life, Nick, kissing him passionately. I felt so alive. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Olivia took us all out to the bar and we drank and had a great time.
Fin raised his glass.
Fin: I'd like to make a toast, to one of the toughest women I know. Amanda Rollins.
Everyone: Yeah!
Fin: To Amanda!
Everyone: To Amanda!
We all clinked glasses. I could feel my face getting red.
Me: You know guys. You are seriously my family. You're always there for me when I need you, you always have my back. You guys are the greatest things that have ever happened to me.
I smiled. Nick kissed me and I kissed back.
What do you guys think? I'm so sorry I haven't been updating this as often as I used to. I just couldn't think of anything to write but now it hit me and I have tons to write! Next chapters will be about the months leading up to Amanda's due date and to Nick and Amanda's wedding. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. It means a lot to me that so many people read my stories. It's unbelievable!!! Thank you all so much!!! Next chapter coming soon! ❤️

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