Planning Begins

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After our night out with everyone, Nick and I finally returned home at 2:30 in the morning. At least I wasn't drunk. I felt really awkward being the only one without alcohol because of the baby. I just wanted to make sure the baby was okay. I mean I'm not that stupid as to drink while being pregnant.
When Nick and I got home I was so physically exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open.
Nick: You okay babe?
Me: Yeah...I'm fine. Just really tired.
Nick: I can tell. *he laughed* I am too. Today was pretty stressful. I sure am happy that sicko was found guilty. Oh man, if he was found not guilty, I would've come off my hinges.
Me: Me too. I would've been more terrified and devastated than mad.
Nick hugged me and I let my body relax in his arms. I started to fall asleep standing there. He kissed me softly on the top of my head.
Me: Nick?
I was basically half asleep but I knew everything that I was saying.
Nick: Yeah?
Me: It's time to plan.
I smiled widely and almost giggled because I was so excited.
Nick: Plan for what???
Me: Our wedding you ass!
I punched him in the arm pretty hard. Was he being serious right now?!?!
Nick: Amanda! Calm down! I was joking! I knew what you were talking about!
He grabbed my hand and held it in his.
Me: You're a real douche sometimes, Amaro, you know that?
I looked into his beautiful eyes and I smiled.
Me: This is really happening isn't it?
Nick: Yes. Yes it is.
We kissed and the kiss quickly became more passionate. Nick wrapped his arms around me and I put mine around his neck. I can't believe this is actually happening. I'm engaged to the love of my life, I'm pregnant with his child, and we are going to be wed soon. I feel like nothing better could be happening.
A few minutes later Nick and I finally crawled into bed. This is going to be the first restful night since my attack. Knowing Simon was behind bars and that Nick was by my side made me feel secure. I know that Nick would do anything in the world to protect me. I love him more than anything. He is my whole world and I can't imagine a world where we weren't in love. I got to thinking and I finally spoke up.
Me: Nick?
Nick: Yes Mrs. Soon to be Amaro?
I giggled and smiled at that. My heart melted at those words.
Me: Do you want a boy or a girl?
He was thinking intently. His thinking session lasted for a minute and he finally responded.
Nick: I want whatever you want. As long as I get to have a child with you, that's all that matters.
He laid his hand on my stomach. He's such a great man. I was laying there staring at the ceiling wide awake thinking.
Me: What would you do if it was a boy?
Nick: Well. I would take him to baseball games and play catch out in the yard with him and teach him how to find a woman as gorgeous and sweet like his mother.
I was blushing and smiling. I bet I look like an idiot but I don't care.
Me: And if it's a girl?
Nick: I would teach her how to be a perfect little girl and have tea parties with her and when she gets older I'll kick any boys ass who hurts her or breaks her heart. And I'll teach her to be a kickass woman like you.
He kissed me sweetly and I kissed back.
Me: Nick, I love you so much. You have no idea.
My voice was starting to crack because I was on the verge of tears from happiness.
Nick: I love you too, Amanda. To the moon and back.
He pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. I listened to it as I slowly fell asleep in his arms.
Hey guys! I'm back! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating :(. I feel terrible! I've been so busy with everything going on and I also have really bad writer's block. Any suggestions for this story or any of my stories would be great!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm going to make these next a few chapters longer than what I usually make them. I hope you guys are enjoying this story! I'm having a wonderful time writing it! I'm a huge Rollaro fan! (I think that's kinda obvious lol xD) Anyways, I'll try to make my next chapter soon! Thanks! ;*

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