Fear and Hope

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Everything around me started to go black. I lay there without a care because I hated life. I couldn't go on. All of this is hell. What was the point of living? Simon was just going to terrorize me even more and I couldn't bare it.
I was almost passed out when Nick started pounding on the door. I couldn't move I was drifting out of consciousness and I didn't care if I died or not.
I didn't reply. I didn't even attempt to. I wanted to be left to die.
Nick: Oh dear god...
He knocked down the door just as he did a few weeks ago. He saw me and he immediately picked me up and ran out of the apartment. He tried to talk to me.
Nick: Amanda sweetheart. Stay with me. Don't fall asleep. Stay awake please. Stay with me.
I tried to talk but not much came out.
Me: N-Nick..let me die...
Nick: No Amanda! I love you!
Me: I...love you....t-too but...
I had finally completely drifted out of consciousness. Nick started having a massive panic attack. He put me in the back of the car and sped to Mercy Hospital. He had to have been going at least 80.
We got to the hospital and Nick took me out of the back and darted into the emergency room.
A nurse came over and started asking questions when she clearly saw what was wrong.
Nurse: What's the matter sir?
Nick: My fiancé she...she slit her wrists and she is fucking dying! Help her!
The nurse called for a gurney an they brought it out within 15 seconds or less. They laid me on it and moved me down to surgery.
I woke up and the room looked super dark. All the shades on the windows were pulled and the lights were out. What the fuck? I tried to sit up but a horrible pain eroded from my wrists. I looked down and saw bandages wrapped around them.
Me: Fuck. Why didn't they just let me die?
Literally 20 seconds later, Nick walked into the room.
Nick: Hey babe. How are you feeling?
Me: Like shit. Why didn't you just let me die Nick?
Nick: Because sweetheart. You are the love of my life. If I lost you, I wouldn't know what to do. You are my everything. Amanda Rollins, I love you.
I sat there and started weeping. Nick came to my side and held my hand.
Nick: Amanda. Listen. While you were under, they took the DNA test on the baby. I told them too. Result should be back within a few hours or so.
Me: That's good..I guess...
I broke down into tears and this time Nick knew why. The fact that this could be Simon's baby. We sat there and cried for what felt like years. Moments later, Olivia, Elliot, and Fin walked into the room. They all brought me gifts and get well cards. Fin brought me a box of chocolate and a get well card, Elliot brought me balloons and bouquet of flowers, and Olivia brought me a huge white teddy bear and a t shirt that said "I'm a survivor".
Olivia's gift was by far the best. The shirt was probably the best gift I had ever receive from anyone.
Me: Thanks guys. I love you all.
Nick pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it. It was a promise ring.
Nick: Ok baby. This is a promise ring. I want you to promise me that no matter what happens, you will never do self harm of any sort ever again. Can you promise me that?
Me: Yes.
I started crying and everyone hugged me. When everyone pulled away, Nick bent down and kissed my forehead.
About 3 hours later, a nurse came in and frightened us all.
Nurse: Ok. I have the DNA results on the baby.
Nick and I looked at each other and he sat on the bed and pulled me closer to him.
Nurse: Well. The results say...
I was on the edge of my seat.
Nurse: Well it started off to look as if you were not the father...
There was a freeze in the entire room. Everyone stopped breathing.
Nurse: But. The results turned out that you, Nick Amaro, are in fact the father of this baby.

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