It Begins

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The morning sickness began to kick in. I was constantly throwing up and it sucked. I honestly thought I would need to admitted to the hospital from vomiting so much. But I knew I didn't need to be because it was just morning sickness. I had a terrible headache too.
I walked into the kitchen and took an Aleve for my headache. Nick came behind me and hugged me. I screamed and froze. I started hyperventilating and tears were on the verge on escaping my blue eyes.
Nick: Baby. It's okay. It's just me. You're alright.
Me: Nick don't ever do that again! God! I thought you were someone else! You scared the living hell out of me!
I was still shaking in fear.
Nick: I know...I'm sorry...
I could tell he was upset because he scared me. I hugged him. I sighed loudly and I began to calm down from my panic attack. I groaned due to my nauseousness and Nick got worried.
"Are you okay babe?" he asked sweetly.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I said.
My head was spinning. As excited I was to have this baby, the process of it sucks. I never imagined it being this bad.
Nick and I sat on the couch and watched Alien:Resurrection. It was my favorite one out of the saga. The star of the series is Sigourney Weaver and she's perfect in every way possible. Apparently a new movie is going to be made in the series which excites me.
Even though I've seen the movie over a million times it still scares me a bit. Nick pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his chest.
'This is perfect.' I thought to myself.
I smiled and Nick saw.
"What are you grinning about?" He said and he flashed his astonishing smile.
"Oh. I was just thinking about how much I love you." I said and I kissed him.
I looked down at my left hand. The ring still shined like it was just made. I can't believe Nick got me such a beautiful thing. He's so good to me. I looked down at my wrists. All the scars were strongly visible. A tear rolled down my face. A wiped it away and I sniffled.
"Baby? What's wrong?" Nick asked worried and he saw what I was looking at and put hi arms around me.
"Nick. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I was so stupid as to do it. I just didn't know what else to do! I was in such a dark place and it seemed like the only solution!" I vented out with tears rolling.
"It's okay sweetheart. It's okay. I know how bad he hurt you and I'm going to make sure with my entire being that he or anyone else can't ever hurt you again. I love you." he said and kissed my forehead.
My headache seemed to get worse and worse by the second.
"This sucks." I said in an annoyed tone.
"What does?" Nick asked confused.
"Being pregnant." I replied.
Nick gave a look of shock.
"What do you-" he began.
"I don't mean I don't want to have the baby. I really do in truly excited to have a child with you Nick. I just hate all the headaches and nausea and everything." I said.
"Just think about it. All that stuff creates a beautiful thing that will be ours forever." he said smiling.
He sure had a way with words when it came to comforting me. He's such a great man. We laid down on the couch and I laid my head on his chest and I began drifting off.
Hey guys I am so so sorry for not updating in a while. I've been having horrible writers block. I have no idea what to write next. If you could please give me suggestions that would help me out a ton! I hope this chapter was good. Thank you for being so understanding! 💕

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