Wedding Plans

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Nick and I awoke the next day around 9:00 am. I was trying so hard to fight my morning sickness. I didn't want to throw up anymore. I hated it so much. It feels like I'm throwing up my insides. It feels like death.
Nick: You okay babe?
I was a little green and pale. I was a bit dizzy too. Nick felt my forehead and it was warm.
Nick: Amanda? You're burning up. Are you okay?!
He was so worried about me. I was confident it was nothing seriously.
Me: Yeah...yeah I'm fine, Nick. It's just morning sickness is all.
Nick: Oh okay. You had me worried there. I thought I was going to have to take you to the hospital or something.
I laughed and kissed him.
Me: There will be no need for medical assistance.
I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and he stared back into my blue ones. I ran my fingers through his jet-black hair.
Me: My gosh, Nick. You need a haircut. What do you put in this? Miracle Grow?
Nick: No. My hair grows really fast.
He was laughing really hard.
Me: Soooo....what happens now?
Nick: I guess we could call the wedding planner and get things started.
He smiled and all of his perfect white teeth were visible. I smiled back shyly. I was turning pink.
Me: Okay.
Nick looked up some of the best wedding planners in New York. He called one that had the best ratings. Her name was Natalie Fig.
Mrs. Fig: Mrs. Fig's Wedding Planning Service. How can I help you?
Nick: Ah yes fiancée and I wanted to begin planning our wedding. We want it to be perfect so we called you.
Mrs. Fig: Thank you! You're too kind! Congratulations on your engagement by the way. So when did you plan on making an appointment to meet with me?
Nick: Um as soon as possible.
Mrs. Fig: Let me check my schedule....ah here we go. I have an opening for noon today. Is that alright?
Nick: Perfect. We will be there.
Mrs. Fig: Alrighty. Call if you have any questions. Thank you.
Nick: Thank you, Mrs. Fig.
He hung up.

Nick: We start our planning at noon today, baby.
Nick hugged me. I was so excited to be planning our wedding. We weren't going to tell anyone about the wedding until it was all planned out.
Nick and I spent our spare time on the couch watching movies until it was time to go start our planning.
We left the house at 11:40 since the office wasn't far from our apartment. I was wearing a white blouse with my favorite pair of blue jeans and a pair of high heels while Nick was wearing one of his best suits.
We arrived at the wedding planning office and we went inside. We walked up to the desk.
Me: Um....we have an appointment at 12 with Mrs. Fig?
Secretary: Ah yes. Right this way.
She led us to a room with a table, three chairs, and several books were on the desk. I figured these were planning books with all the ideas for weddings.
Nick and I took a seat and waited for Mrs. Fig to come in. It was no more than 5 minutes she entered the room. We stood up and shook her hand.
Mrs. Fig: Hello. I look forward to helping you create the wedding of your dreams. Now let's start off with the basics. Have you given any thought about where or when you wish to have the wedding?
Nick: We've been thinking about it and we decided we either want it here in New York or in Hawaii. We were leaning more towards the Hawaii choice.
Mrs. Fig smiled intently.
Mrs. Fig: A great choice. And have you thought about when you would like to have it?
Me: We were thinking sometime in the summer...maybe like July.
Nick and I spent the next two hours with Mrs. Fig planning every detail of the wedding. Our plans were so great. I could tell this was going to be the best wedding ever!
Our final plan was:
Place: Honolulu, Hawaii
When: July 14th
Time: 11:00 am
We hadn't worked out anything about hotels or anything like that yet. That was our next step. Once we finish planning every single detail, then we had to make the invitations.
Nick and I sent invitations to both our family and friends and obviously the other members of the squad. Nick chose Fin as his Best Man and I obviously chose Olivia as my Maid of Honor.
Olivia was so delighted to find out she was Maid of Honor. I guess it made me feel appreciated.
Fin was pretty cool about it too. He thought it would be great for him to Nick's Best Man.
Nick and I went home and got showers. We were so tired from all the planning and making the invitations. We crawled into bed and I cuddled close to Nick.
Me: Nick?
Nick: Yeah babe?
Me: I'm glad I have you.
I kissed him softly and he kissed back.
Nick: Not as glad as I am to have you, you beautiful woman.
And he kissed me again, this time more passionate. I felt electricity go through my body. He was the one, the love of my life, the one I would do anything for.
We lay there talking for what seemed like hours. We finally started to fall asleep after about 20 minutes. I listened to Nick's heartbeat again, and fell fast asleep.

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