The Rape

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I was pulled into an alley and slammed against the brick wall. I hit my head and slid along the wall down to the ground. My head was bleeding. I yelled as loud as I could.
Me: Police! Stop!
He started ripping my clothes. I began to panic and scream for help.
Me: Someone help me! Someone please help! Help me!
Man: Shut up you stupid bitch.
He slapped me across the face making me dizzy. He unbuttoned his pants as he held me down with his knees.
I fought back as hard as I could but nothing worked. He pulled down my pants and panties. I tried to shield myself with my hands but he pinned them down. He raped me. It took him forever to finish. When he was done, he got up, buttoned his pants and left. I lay there motionless on the cold, hard ground. I pulled up my panties and pants and stood up. I had a major headache from where it had hit the wall. I grabbed my cellphone and checked the time, 11:45. Olivia must be asleep. But I had to call her. It was an emergency. I dialed her number.

Phone Call:
Olivia: Sergeant Benson?
Me: Olivia! I was raped!
Olivia: OH MY GOD AMANDA! Are you okay?!
Me: No. Not at all. He slammed me against a brick wall and slapped me across the face. My head is bleeding and I'm extremely dizzy. I need help.
Olivia: Where are you?
Me: Uh..I'm in an alley about 3 blocks away from the precinct.
Olivia: I'll be right there along with CSU.
Me: Thank you Olivia. Thank you so much!
I hung up. I was so dizzy I couldn't even see straight. My head was so painful, the pain dropped me to the ground. I passed out.

I woke up to sirens. Olivia ran around the corner and saw me lying there on the ground. She ran over to help me up off the ground.
Olivia: Amanda! Are you okay?!
Me: N-no I passed o-out...
I was stuttering. I was so dizzy and in so much pain.
Olivia: We need to get you to the hospital. Now. I'll ride with you.
I was put in the back of an ambulance and Olivia got in as well. I can't believe I let this happen to me. I'm a sex crimes detective for crying out loud!
Me: How could I let this happen? *i began to cry* I'm a detective! I know what to do in this situation? Why didn't I stop him?!
Olivia: Amanda..nothing that happened was your fault. A lot of victims freeze up and forget what to do in this type of situation.
Amanda: I hate myself. I cannot live with myself.
Olivia: Amanda...this was not your fault. You can't help what he did to you! You...AMANDA! AMANDA CAN YOU HEAR ME?!
I passed out.
AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you guys liked part 2! Part 3 will be coming soon! :)

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