Chapter 1, Who are you?

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   The last day of school was finally there. The seniors were given a whole day of fun and games. During the time that the class put their bags in the classroom, they were told to go downstairs to play a few activities. As her classmates ran downstairs, Aurora wasn't sure if she was supposed to take something with her.

   As she headed downstairs, she almost bumped into a boy. That boy was wearing a blue backpack, but Aurora couldn't see his face since it was covered by his hood. But he did lean forward to Aurora and whisper something to her. She wasn't able to hear the full sentence, but she did apprehend that she was supposed to bring something with her, but she wasn't able to hear what that something was.

   She looked at the boy as he walked away. "Aurora! Come on! We're going to play pull the rope!" Her friend Christina yelled.

   Aurora went over to her friend as she kept looking at him. It was such a weird moment; she had no idea who the boy was or if he was her age or not, but she did know that he wasn't in her class.

   When Aurora approached the rope to play with her friends, she noticed that the boy was now looking at her. "Do you know him?" Aurora asked Christina.

   "Who?" Christina asked.

   "The one with the blue backpack, who is looking at us. The one with brown eyes." Aurora described the boy.

   "Nope, maybe he is new," Christina replied.

   "New? It's the end of the year. No student will join the school when it's almost over." Aurora spoke.

   It was a mystery of who the boy was, and why he looked so interested in the game the seniors were playing. Aurora's team won several times, mainly because some of the opponents left the game to get a shirt from the school store. The shirts had what role those students played during their time in the school. Aurora wanted to get her own shirt, so when it came to the last match, she left the game along with half of her teammates.

   "Oh look, you'll finally win this round." She teased as she walked towards the school store.

   When she entered the store, the mysterious boy stood in front of her and whispered into her ear: "See, I told you to get it."

   Aurora looked at the boy with brown eyes with a confused face, but before she could ask him anything Christina yelled for her to come.

   Aurora approached her friend, and the moment she got to stand next to her at the front, one of the women there stopped what she was doing and came forward to welcome Aurora.

   "How can I help you, young lady?" She asked.

   "Ahm, I would love those things everyone is getting in senior year," Aurora spoke, unable to remember what the word shirt is in English.

   Aurora has always suffered from confusing her first language and her second language, which was English. Christina thought it was funny whenever Aurora confused the languages.

   The lady reached for a red sparkly card and handed it to Aurora. The bilingual girl looked at the card and shook her head. "Not this." She spoke.

   "How do you know that when you haven't opened it? Don't worry, it's free." The woman reassured.

   Christina let out a loud laugh as Aurora opened the card. Inside the card, she saw random words, but she wasn't able to read them. The only thing she was able to read was December 17.

   Aurora got frustrated, so she asked Christina to read it for her. When Christina looked at the card, she furrowed her eyebrows, "The card has no writing on it, just a picture of a stone."

   Aurora noticed the picture, so she corrected: "That's a crystal, the rose quartz."

   The woman seemed impressed that Aurora knew what the crystal was. "How do you know that?" She asked.

   "I watched enough tarot card reading on social media to recognize them when I see them," Aurora spoke. Then she remembered that not only was she there for the shirt but also that the card is unreadable. "Wait a stinky minute, lady, this card is unreadable, I can only read one thing on it. Plus, I don't want the card; I want a, ah, shirt."

   The woman smiled at Aurora then gave her a shirt. "It is readable, just focus on what you know."

   Aurora seemed weirded out by what was going on, so she just took the shirt and waited for Christina outside. While waiting the boy came again.

   "Nice card." He smiled.

   Aurora noticed the boy's cute and handsome face, but she was more concerned about the reason why he is following her everywhere. "What do you want?" She asked.

   "I want to know what is in the card." He answered, still smiling at the girl.

   Aurora sighed, she didn't want a random stranger reading a card that might have something personal written on it, so she hid the card saying: "A picture of rose quartz. Do you want to know more?"

   "That's it?" The boy asked curiously as if knowing that she also saw words.

   "Yes. Why?" Aurora asked, starting to get annoyed by the mysterious person in front of her.

   "Just curious." The boy replied.

   "Well, Ben Jonson said curiosity killed the cat. Maybe you should listen to him." Aurora spoke.

   "But satisfaction brought it back." The boy continued, "But the original saying was 'care killed the cat'."

   Aurora seemed to have gotten very annoyed by him, fortunately, Christina came in time and asked: "Who are you?"

   "I am just a boy waiting for his mom to finish her job, so I can go home. Nothing special." The boy answered.

   "I meant what's your name." Christina rephrased as Aurora sighed.

   The boy didn't answer, he just looked up at the sky, smiled at the two girls, then walked away. "Weirdo." Christina sang, then she looked at her friend, "I got Genius, what did you get?"

   Aurora remembered that she got a shirt, so she unfolded it to reveal that it had 'lover' on it. "I guess you have a bigger heart than head." Christina laughed.

   Aurora laughed with her friend, but she stopped when she saw the boy looking at her again. "I am considering the police now." She mumbled.

   Christina looked in the direction her friend was looking in and sighed: "Do you think he's a stalker?"

   "I don't think, I feel it. He gives me a weird vibe. An unsafe vibe." Aurora spoke.

   "Let's go and stand with everyone else, he won't do anything with a crowd, and if he keeps stalking you, then the police are the best option," Christina replied.

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