"Iris, I think you should stay away from Lennard," Mani spoke.
"Why? He is so sweet now." Iris complained.
"I don't trust him. And neither should you." Mani replied.
"He's better than you. I know you're keeping something from me. Lennard told me." Iris revealed.
Aurora woke up in shock. She checked the time and saw that it was still night, why did she wake up that fast?
She tried going back to sleep, but she wasn't able to, so she decided to text Christina. Christina didn't reply, so Aurora decided to text the annoying person.
Sky: why are you still awake?
Aurora: I woke up and now I am hit with the inability to sleep.
Sky: I guess you had a nightmare.
Aurora: Nope, my dream got interrupted. Wait, why are you awake?
Sky: I have insomnia, so it's hard for me to even try to fall asleep.
Aurora: really? Is it hard?
Sky: You learn to deal with it eventually. Not everyone has a perfect life.
Aurora: You think I do? Please, that's silly.
Sky: Prove me wrong.
Aurora: For starters, everyone thinks that I have it easy, but it's not true. The reason I speak two languages is that I come from another country. But because I don't look like a foreigner, people assume I've lived the perfect life here, but that's not true.
Sky: How come?
Aurora: In my country privilege and all those nice things depend on who you know. It's all corruption. Coming here was like entering a different planet.
Sky: was it that bad?
Aurora: I didn't have a good childhood. I was lonely growing up because I'm an only child. For years I couldn't turn on the air conditioner at specific times because the electricity would turn off. The water was horrible and it caused me skin problems.
Sky: Seriously?
Aurora: Summers were hard, because of the heat. But you know what, at least now I don't get hot easily. My family tried giving me a good life, it's just that the country wasn't fit to give it to its people.
Sky: Oh, I'm sorry.
Aurora: Why are you sorry? You didn't do it. Unless you were one of the people who ruined my country in your past life.
Sky: I died young in my old life, so I am sure I wasn't the cause. But all those things ruined your childhood? Really?
Aurora: That, and fitting in. I wanted to fit in and be like everyone else, but it felt like I was trying to put salt in coffee. I just didn't belong. My main problem was being bilingual. I always confused the two languages together, and that caused people to make fun of me for it.
Sky: All those, and that's the thing you hated most?
Aurora: Well, you get used to the whole water and electricity thing, but being made fun of means that making friends becomes even harder.
Sky: So Christina was your first friend?
Aurora: Nope, I had friends back home, but it took a lot of patience to meet them. Now I miss them. I miss home.
Sky: Why don't you go back?
Aurora: That's like wanting to die. It's not a good idea. I have no choice whether to go or stay.
Sky: So what is the reason for wanting your soulmate?
Aurora: I had to wait years to get a friend. Plus maybe finding my soulmate would help me want to stay. Fill that void in me.
Sky: I think it's because you want to know that you'll be happy.
Aurora: how'd you figure that out?
Sky: You had trouble growing up, so happiness wasn't easy, and now you aren't happy because you miss your country. You are searching for happiness.
Aurora: It's cheesy when you say it.
Sky: It's after midnight, nothing is cheesy anymore.
Aurora noticed that a smile appeared on her face. It was nice talking about those things without having to feel awkward. In her mind, it's because Sky is someone who knows about soulmates and how precious they are, that he understands her.

The Light In the Sky
RomanceA girl named Aurora keeps imagining events that have happened in the past while being chased by a boy who seems to know more than he leads on. Can this boy help answer her questions about the events?