Chapter 3, Where are you, soulmate?

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   Aurora kept thinking about Sky's words. If only she was as lucky as him to meet her soulmate. Then she thought about Iris, who was she? What connection did she have to Aurora? It was so weird.

   "Mani, you won't believe it. Lennard actually helped me out today." Iris spoke.

   "I wouldn't trust him much, Iris, remember, he did hurt you before, people don't change that easily," Mani warned.

   Despite her friend's warning, the young girl still went to see Lennard. Her family wanted a favor from his family and Lennard told her that he would help. Iris wanted to help her family more than anything else, so seeing that Lennard was willing to help, made her change her view of him.

   After a few days, Mani realized that Iris has been spending more time with Lennard, this made him confront Iris about her actions.

   "Iris, he's using you," Mani warned.

   "No, he's not. He is very kind." Iris defended.

   "Did you forget that he's the one that hurt you?" Mani stated.

   "But he changed, he's not the bad guy anymore," Iris replied.

   "No, he has not. He wants to hurt you." Mani responded.

   Aurora's eyes flung open. Her heart was racing fast as sweat rolled down her face. She looked at the clock to find out it was still very early. She laid on her bed again looking out the window. The full moon stared her right in the face as she thought: "Who is Iris?"

   Her thoughts flooded her head, she got scared that she was having those visions, she was confused by what the fortune-teller told her, and she felt worried that her lover might not even be her soulmate. She lied on her side as tears filled her eyes as she whispered: "where are you, soulmate? Can you come already? Please."

   Later that day, as Aurora was walking, she saw Sky sitting on a bench reading a book. She went over to him and asked: "How did you know she was your soulmate?"

   Sky looked at the girl in front of him as he laughed: "Why do you care?"

   Aurora sighed as she replied: "Listen, boy, I haven't been enjoying the last few days of my life, okay. I have never wanted that support more than I do right now. You found her, how? How did you find her? How did you know that's her? How?"

   Sky realized that Aurora was struggling so he moved to one side on the bench and gestured for her to sit next to him. When she sat down he asked: "What's really going on?"

   Aurora chuckled: "As if I would tell you. Out of all people."

   Sky let out a small laugh before saying: "You don't want your soulmate, you want support. I can give you that."

   Aurora realized that he had a point, and since his mom knew a lot about Iris, maybe he could help her.

   "Iris.  She's all I can think about. She's haunting me. I can't escape her. I keep getting these visions of Iris and her friends Mani and Lennard. Who is she?" Aurora asked.

   "You still haven't figured it out yet? Mom gave you the answer." Sky replied.

   "Let's assume I'm an idiot." Aurora sighed.

   Sky smiled upon hearing the girl's words, then he asked: "Well, here is a question for you, do you believe in multiple lives?"

   Aurora furrowed her brows as she shook her head, which made Sky say: "Well believe it. Because no matter how much you try to escape Iris, she isn't going anywhere, because she is you."

   Aurora's eyes opened wide, she didn't believe in multiple lives, she believed in only one. But how come she keeps getting visions of someone else's life? Her mind was overflowing with thoughts, she wanted to scream, it was too much.

   Sky noticed her reaction, so he admitted: "I had the same reaction at first too. But it's the truth. My mom does tamper in the unknown, which is why I hate her job, but it did give me answers. And that's how I know the answer to your question. It takes one soulmate to write the fate of two people. When one dies it's up to them to decide if they want to live again or not. This of course sets the fate for their soulmate. They follow each other."

   Aurora then phrased a question: "Then whose Iris' soulmate? Who's my soulmate?"

   Sky smiled: "You do know that I can't tell you that even if I knew, right?"

   "Why?" The desperate girl asked.

   "Because, dear Aurora, it will ruin things. If I tell you I am your soulmate, would you change the way you feel about me? Will you start treating me differently?" Sky answered.

   Aurora thought for a second then replied, saying: "I would. But that doesn't matter, if it's fate it's fate."

   "Manipulation of feelings isn't fate. Iris learnt that the hard way. You'd think your spirit would have learnt the lesson. But it's true if you fall in love with someone because you know they are your soulmate, then great your spirit already loves this person, but come on, what kind of story would that make?" Sky explained.

   "But you know, that'll change things for you, won't it?" Aurora asked.

   "Not really, because I fell in love with her when I saw her. After that, I found out she was my soulmate. There's a difference." The boy replied.

   "Can you at least help me? Tell me if I am hot or cold?" The envious girl asked.

   "Weren't you pushing me away like yesterday?" Sky questioned.

   "Come on. I'm desperate." Aurora pleaded.

   The boy smiled then replied: "How the tables turned. Fine, I'll help, but don't even think for a second to go up to every attractive guy you could possibly find and ask me. Also, tell this to Iris, don't make it hard for me."

   Aurora furrowed her brows again as she asked: "What does that mean?"

   "Figure it out Aurora, I'm not going to tell you everything." Sky spoke, "Now if you'll excuse me, I will now imagine scenarios of me and my soulmate when we go on our first date." Aurora looked at the boy with a weirded-out face, "You're not the only hopeless romantic here, Aurora." The boy stated.

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