Chapter 4, Are you even real?

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   Aurora decided to write down everything she knows about Iris. It seemed weird to her that she had lived before, but deep down she didn't care about that, she just wanted to find her soulmate.

   After days of thinking, she decided to talk to Sky, well it was more of an interrogation than a talk. Sky didn't seem to mind Aurora searching for him rather than the other way around, it actually entertained him.

-So soulmates, how does that happen?

-Aurora, no offense, but how in the world can I know?

-You remember your old life and know who your soulmate is. It seems like you have it all.

-Have it all? Aurora, you might think it's easy, but it's not. Take this scenario, you finally know who he is, but you can't tell him, because if you do, then can you trust that he loves you for you?

-No. But you seem to have a lot of answers.

-You can find the answers too, just focus.

-I have been trying. It's not easy. I haven't dreamt of Iris in days now. I think it's over.

-Weird, it seems like you cut off the connection.

-What connection?

-Soulmates share a connection. When you see Iris, there is a big chance your soulmate is also seeing his past life too, that or he is controlling it.

-You lost me.

-If your soulmate is the one that made the decision to live again, then he knows more about that life than you, so he will give you hints by letting you see things from your past life. The only downside is when he tries to hide things from you. They can control that.

-Still lost.

   Sky let out a big sigh then looked at Aurora. Then he shook his head saying: "The love of your life can control what you see. Unless you both get the vision together. Better?

   Aurora nodded, but she was still confused. "So he exists in this life?"

   "Someone picked the moon deck. Just think about it harder." Sky spoke, then he went into his mom's shop.

   Aurora followed him inside, almost bumping into the boy's mother. "Aurora, what a pleasant surprise." Lisa welcomed.

   "It gets more pleasant by the second, I need a bathroom break. Mom, don't overshare." Sky advised his mother before entering the bathroom.

   "What's going on?" Lisa asked.

   "I am just confused. I hate this." Aurora answered.

   "That's why divination isn't for everyone. For some people, it can cause more harm than good." The older woman replied.

   "I wish I knew that before," Aurora stated. "Can you tell me one thing? Why would someone choose to live again?"

   "If you are asking about your soulmate, then all I can say is that he wanted to reveal something to you. Your story didn't seem to have a good ending." Lisa clarified.

   "But don't spirit years work differently than human years?" Aurora asked.

   "Well definitely, the one that died first is naturally older, if they died in the same day or week or month, they have a good chance to be born in the same year, but if they died in different months, then they can have years of difference. Or not. But the first to die is the first to live." Lisa explained.

   "Is the boy that picked the moon deck older than me?" The curious girl asked.

   Before Lisa could answer Sky came back saying: "That's not information to be shared, Aurora."

   "Why are you so against my happiness?" Aurora asked.

   "I'm not, I am with it. The less you know, the better." Sky smiled.

   Before sleeping, Aurora thought of how annoying Sky was. She just wanted answers, but it didn't seem that she was getting it. "Are you even real at this point?" She wondered. "If you are, please come."

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