Chapter 2; Is this even real?

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   Running, there is nowhere to go in the dark forest. But the eighteen years old, black-haired girl kept running. She was scared, but then she felt a hand pull her to the right side. Looking at the owner of the hand, she saw a twenty-year-old boy with blonde hair. Her fear went away, it was like she was no longer lost.

   He climbed a tree and helped her up with him. "Why are you always running from him, Iris?" He asked.

   "He keeps annoying me, making fun of me for the stupidest things. Should I run towards him?" The girl, whose name appears to be Iris, answered.

   "But you take it too far. This time I thought you were going to die." The boy replied.

   "I might if he keeps talking. Anyways, I'm going down, I'm done running." Iris spoke.

   The boy laughed as his friend tried going down but got scared and looked at him as if pleading for help. "Like every time, you're going down, done running, then back up this tree. If only you learnt how to go back down by yourself."

   The boy went down and helped Iris get down too, but they were stunned by another boy who seemed to have scared Iris. "I see the lovers have reunited, Iris, why don't you give up the lie." He teased.

   "She is not lying, but she will be laughing if one more time you try causing her harm." Iris' friend threatened.

   "Mani, I am not causing her harm." The boy, Iris was running from, spoke.

   "Lennard, you followed her to the middle of the forest, and this isn't the first time. We get that her family has a lot of money, but I don't think charming her or kidnapping her will get you any closer to that money." The boy whose name is Mani replied.

   "Kidnapping? What did this little bug tell you? I am harmless." Lennard responded.

   "You do know that you were throwing pebbles at me minutes ago right?" Iris reminded her stalker.

   "Who told you to run?" Lennard asked.

   Aurora's eyes opened as her heartbeat fast. "What was that?" She wondered.

   The light from the window hit her eyes as she accepted the fact that it was time for her to leave the bed. As she got ready, she couldn't forget her dream. It was an annoying thing that occupied her mind, but she couldn't shake the feeling of fear that she felt when she woke up.

   "Maybe you dreamt of that because you were being stalked yesterday," Christina spoke.

   "Maybe, but it's still weird," Aurora replied.

   The two girls entered the park, but Christina stopped when she saw the hotdog cart. Since Aurora wasn't hungry, she just waited for her friend, but then she felt a hand on her shoulder so she turned around to only see the boy stalking her in real life.

   "I will call the police." Aurora threatened.

   The boy let out a chuckle as he spoke: "I don't want to hurt you. Can't a boy try to make friends?"

   "You tell me, why should I be friends with someone who is stalking me?" Aurora asked.

   "You shouldn't, but I am not stalking you, I was just waiting for the moment you were alone to talk to you. By time, you'll understand more." The boy answered.

   "What's your name?" Aurora asked, giving him an annoyed look.

   "You haven't figured it out yet?" The boy asked.

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