Chapter 6 | Jealous

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   "Good morning students! I am Professor Margot Fernsby your Life Class Professor!" The lady with brown hair introduced herself in a cheery voice no one really  was interested or appalled by her, but forced themselves to being seated in the class, and much to all pf their disappointments they were obliged to sit with their partners.

    Amelia's eyes were boring burning holes on the floor as the chosen one was sitting too close for her liking, meanwhile he too with a clenched jaw stared at the ground, both wanting to desperately free themselves fr the torture of sitting together as soon as possible.

    "You pervert why are you shifting towards me!" Amelia whispered hissed to him. He scowled furiously turning to her.

   "Only if I were not bound to share my everything with you, I would have rather sat with Filch!" He hissed back.

   "Says the one I shared my father, my house and literally my everything, with! Ungrateful piece of poisonous shit!"


    "Is there a problem over here dear?" The professor asked kindly turning to Harry and Amelia, the whole class turned their attention to them.

   "Yeah there is" Amelia muttered under her breath rolling her eyes.

    "No professor, it quite alright here" Harry said in a little dark taunting tone.

   "Very well, so to begin with today's class, I want to inform you guys that in my classes we'll be learning how to make a better understanding relation with your partners, I know you are all not very much matured and experienced for being forced with such a law at this young age, but its my job to make you guys develop an understanding with your partners" The Professor said, and Amelia swore that was the most cringe thing she ever heard because her partner was just ugh..

    She just wanted to curl up in a hole and cry all night. Why was life doing this to her? Nothing in life felt easy and peaceful to her ever since she came to hogwarts, every literal thing had been a disaster for her, she really had not energy for anything. Everything made her want to cry. Her life was still in the need of fixation, the war ended but her struggle isnt.

    She was purely tired.

    The Professor carried on with her lecture talking about lovey dovey couples things. Amelia roamed her eyes in the whole class only seeing bored faces, only Hermione Granger and Lory Johnson were the ones who seemed to taking atleast tiny bits of interest. All the couple in the room wanted to quit life.

    As soon as the lecture came to an end Amelia and Harry were the first ones to get and storm out of the room parting their ways. The Professor stared at them in wonder het mouth parted.

    "Er they really need help.."


    Amelia stared at the nameplate on the door of the room assigned to her. Potters. The name being used to associate her, irked her. She clenched her jaw and pointed her wand at the door. After a few moments she sighed in relief, as it was fixed.

    Amelia BLACK written on the top with bold letters, wide and clear. Staring at the name she fell into thinking, it felt a little odd, though it should not, but that was the surname she got from her father, father who hasnt talked to her since months, father who barely was a father to her, father who she doesnt consider as her father at all now.

     He was a father but not to her. It hurt. But she was okay. Maybe. She didnt know is she was okay or not, she pretended or thought herself to be, but deep inside she truthfully knew she was not okay. She was not okay with the fact that she was not getting the position she deserved. 

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