Chapter 28 | The Noble House of Black

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-- "I THINK I AM FALLING IN LOVE WITH GEORGE WEASLEY!" Estella exclaimed with a tomato face, blushing furiously and for the first time ever in life, Amelia was seeing a little shy Estella

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-- "I THINK I AM FALLING IN LOVE WITH GEORGE WEASLEY!" Estella exclaimed with a tomato face, blushing furiously and for the first time ever in life, Amelia was seeing a little shy Estella. A small voice in Amelia head questioned about Mike. Estella's boyfriend who died in the battle of Hogwarts.

-- "THATS great Este!" Amelia smiled "but- but I mean, I dont know how I'll sound.."

-- AMELIA fumbled with her words before finally speaking "What about Mike?"

-- ESTELLA'S bright expression fell a little, she still smiled with a little weakness in it. She asked in a small voice "What about him?"

-- "DONT you love him anymore?" Amelia asked unsurely. Estella tried to comprehend what Amelia meant by this, and sighed before speaking.

-- "I loved him, with all my heart, he is still there" Estella admitted with a dazed smiled on her face. Amelia opened and closed her mouth not knowing what to say now "But right now you said you love George too?"

-- "YES, I do" Estella smiled with her eyebrows knitted slightly, she was trying to process what actually was her point. "See, Amelia, Mike will always be in my heart, I wont erase him, but that doesnt mean, I'll deprive myself of all happiness after he left, I am doing what he might have wanted me to do after him, move on and be happy"

-- ESTELLA held a soft smile looking in air, probably reminiscing her time with Mike. While Amelia didnt really understand what she said. Since her childhood she has seen the type of love where no one moves on, for example Sev, Remus and Sirius. After the love of their lives left, the three man stayed alone, in Remus' case it got a bit different as he eventually after a really long wait married Tonks, but still he too didnt really come out of Lyra's thoughts.

-- REMUS and Lyra were not married ever, they never dated too, Amelia got to know, they just silently loved each other from a distance, and that was enough. And after the sudden and tragic news of Lyra's 'death' Remus almost gave up living, because too much happened in just one night, but he had to do it for his goddaughter.

-- EVERYONE knows about Sev's condition, and well Sirius, he too loved Sierra all along his time in azkaban, even after that, he was just caught once by Amelia being on a casual date with someone, but after that too he admitted he still loved Sierra. So it was all very confusing for Amelia. She didnt think the same about anyone like she did for Cedric.

-- "LISTEN now, I know we both have dealt with the same thing, Cedric and Mike both left us too soon, but that doesnt mean we would give up on life at such young age, we can love another and start our life over-"

-- "LOVE is a one time thing Este! I loved Cedric, and I am not going to love anyone else!" Amelia argued. "Loving someone even after not receiving it back, doesnt mean we are not in love!"

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