Chapter 17 | Burst Out

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HARRY POTTER RAN IN THE CASTLE hurriedly to his dorm in the full speed after returning from Hogsmeade trip quickly just after a moment Amelia stormed off. He knew he had messed up everything since start. Returning to his dorm opening the door he was first greeted by Amelia Black stuffing her things in her bags.

   "Where are you going!?" He exclaimed barging in.

    "Away" She muttered aggresively stuffing things in her bag.

    "No Amelia, you cant—" He exclaimed running towards her but was interrupted by a harsh glare.

    "I dont think you can tell me what to do" She snapped angrily, and he could see the tear stains on her face. He felt bad, he didnt want this for her.

    "I mean you cant leave this dorm like this unless you have permission" He insisted.

    "My uncle is the headmaster, so please sod off" She muttered zipping her bags but halted a moment looking up at him. "Why are you so keen on making me stay? You should be happy, you dont have to share anything with me"

    "Amelia I am sorry" He blurted causing her to frown.

    He sighed stepping one foot ahead and spoke up a little intimidated "I know what I said there was the half truth and it was actually my fault who burned Cedric's scarf—"

    "How do you know it was his?" She interrupted in a hollow voice.

    Because I saw you wearing it many time when Cedric was alive!

     "It was yellow" He reasoned not meeting her eyes. She scrunched her face annoyed shaking her head and picking her bags up, he stepped forward blocking the space for her to leave.

    "Get out of my way Potter"

    "I am sorry Amelia, I really am"

    She stared at him confusion and annoyance. Why was he apologising so much suddenly? Why did he even care? What if their parents had send him teaching something and he is doing his job? Amelia folded her arms while glaring at him.

     "If anyone from there has told you ways of apologising to me and given you hope that I will forgive you, so get it through your head, I wont!" She sneered lowly.

    "No one told me nothing to do! I am apologising on my own!" He exclaimed abruptly causing her to back away a step.

    "I am really sorry Amelia, I swear I wont do anything this stupid ever" You always do stupid.

    "Firstly tell me what got into your head that you burned that scarf even if you knew that was important to me? You clearly wanted to piss me off, right?"

    He didnt know how to tell her that he was feeling jealous.

    Amelia stared at him annoyed for an answer and he was taking to long, he just kept staring at the ground fiddling with his own thoughts. He slowly spoke up in smallest voice without looking up "I-I just know I am genuinely sorry"

    "Cool" She huffed flatly, picking her bags up, he stared at her wide eyed again. "I apologised please dont leave atleast!"

    "Why do you want me to stay!?"


    "Piss off!" She hissed as he continuously blocked her way, and she was trying very hard to not break her promise of hexing the boy again. She threw her bags down in frusteration and exclaimed "What is your problem!?"

    "Why are you doing this?" He asked gesturing to her leaving.

    "Then what do you want me to do?" She exclaimed incredulously "Why do you even want me to stay here, with you? Are you forgetting what I did to you!? And if you have really forgotten, thats your problem, because I haven't forgotten anything!" 

    "What have I ever done to you!?" He asked confused. She shook her letting out a dry chuckle.

    "You are seriously asking me that?" She asked bitterly staring at the desperate boy "You, Harry Potter, are responsible for almost everything happened to me!"

    "What are you—"

    "Ever since I met you, you've made my life a living hell, and you are still continuing to do it, why cant I just totally remove you from my life!? I dont want you I my life, all you've done is hurt me directly or indirectly—" She was getting even more frusterated with every word.

    "I hurt you!? How? When?—"

   "All the time Potter, all the time, even when I was not here, I was hurting because of you, no one from my family bothered to know about me because they were all so busy with taking care of you!– You were the one who had been in danger since you were not even born, and I was the one who had to leave and go all the way to America because 'I was in danger' and suddenly everyone forgot I exist!"

    "Even since the start you had been taking my father away from me, even after now you've got yours, All thanks to me!, You still have MY father wrapped around your finger! Why!? You saw the way he was talking to me today, did I deserve that tone!?— And lets not ignore the fact that I wasnt even invited to the little family gathering!– because I am not considered in it, never was, and never will!"

    Harry stood dumbfounded after she finishing yelling and was panting due to her outburst. He was understanding all of it now, he now fully understood what had been the reason for her hate towards him. And he felt guilt invade within him as he saw she was trying hard to swallow her tears back.

    "So now I think I've done and had enough, please let me leave" She said in a cracked defeated voice pulling her bags up. He just stood there at the loss of words, watching her leave, he didnt know how to stop her, neither he had the guts to, but he knew he didnt want her to leave.


"Was he threatening you or something?" Severus Snape, the headmaster of Hogwarts asked as his niece now sat in front of him with her bags packed claiming to live in his spare quarters.

    "Do you think he has the balls to?" Amelia raised an eyebrow. Sev pursed his lips sighing, this was probably the best thing in his opinion, his niece staying as far away from the Potter Jr.

    He agreed and told her to go and ready the spare room in whatever manners she wants. She started with her task meanwhile in their dorm, which felt empty to the chosen one as he laid on the bed after switching off the lights. He wasnt liking it alone.

    Even though never ever both of them wished each other good morning/good night, but having her presence in any corner of the dorm felt pleasant to him, and he didnt know why. Both of them hated to face each other any moment, but he atleast didnt feel lonely.

   With an uneasy arising in his heart he questioned to himself why did he want her to be around?


Q. Who wants to see Harry improve?

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