Chapter 40 | Bridesmaid

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"AMELIA ARE YOU READY?" Harry called from downstairs towards his room, waiting impatiently for his fiance because just today morning he got the invitation of his best friends wedding and he just couldnt keep calm.

    Finally he breathed out in relief seeing her descending down the stairs, a playful smirk on her face made it clear that she took so long purposely. Today they were to go to Ron and Hermione's house for the wedding preparations.

   "You take really long," he remarked as she came and stood beside him, "From next time I'll tell you three hourse earlier when we have to go out somewhere."

   Amelia squinted her eyes at him, "Atleast my hair dont look messy all the time, unlike you."

   "Stop fighting, you are getting late." Lily called from the living room.

   "And his hair looks just fine like me!" James called.

   "What a lie!" Amelia called back and knew very well it offended James as she could hear James and Lily bicker.

   Amelia turned to Harry who just fixed his hair again, and draped an arm around his, going out of the house apparating straight away to Ron and Hermione's house. Both had rented a house, it was Amelia's first visit to it, as Harry had already been to it multiple times before.

   In Amelia's opinion, the house looked like any other ordinary muggle's house, clearly Hermione's choice, she knew. The only thing which made her feel like Ronald too lived in the house was because of a large pumpkin in the background of the small garden.

   Both went in the house to see it was already filled up with a lot of people. Weasley, Seamus, Parvati and Padma, Luna, Neville, and much to Amelia's surprise Pansy, whose face lit up on seeing Amelia enter there.

   "O my god, thank you so much you came!" Pansy exclaimed as she brought Amelia in a hug, and Amelia couldnt help but ask how come Pansy's here, "Neville asked me to accompany him and I just couldnt say no to him."

   Amelia gave Pansy an impressed look, and went forward to meet everybody, before being pulled in a hug by Hermione, "I am glad you came."

   "Why wouldnt I?" Amelia asked playfully, "Other than Harry's best friend, you've been my annoying dorm mate for whole three years, I have to be there at your wedding to spill your dirty secrets to Ron, though he still cant run away."

   Hermione let out a laugh before settling for a smile holding both of Amelia's hand, "Amelia the main purpose I invited you too, was because I wanted to ask you something important."

   "Ask away." Amelia shrugged.

   "Will you be my bridesmaid?" Hermione asked with a smile, and continued a little warily, "Its okay if you dont want to, but I want you to be, because besides Ginny and those two idiot boys of my friends, one of them is going to be my husband and I still cannot ask any boy, I mean I could ask but they wont agree—"

    "Oh lord," Amelia shook her head shutting Hermione up, "I bet you might have prepared a eight inch essay for convincing me, but to be honest you could have asked me to be your bridesmaid while puking and I'd still say yes."


   "Ronald your fiance's going mad!"


31st December, 1998.

"Ginerva!" Amelia exclaimed at the ginger girl who tried very hard to pull Amelia's hair in a bun but failed miserably, "You've got to use some other spell!"

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