Chapter 19 | Nightmares

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     Amelia placed a hand on her heart as she heard the yell behind her coming from the bedroom, she couldnt believe Harry could make such a sound, he was having a nightmare and that why he needed the dreamless sleep potion.

    "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Amelia flinch on the sound again, her heart beating at an abnormal rate. He yelled again for the third time, and she felt terrified because of the horrible cries he was letting out.

    "AHH!" He shrieked again and without thinking anymore she grabbed the vial and rushed inside the bedroom opening the door barging in, the lights were turned off, she ran across the room to switch the lights on and saw him crying laying on the bed clutching to the mattress.

    She felt her stomach drop at the sight because of his face crooked in so much pain, she rushed towards him seeing beads of sweat on his forehead, tears running down from the corner of his eyes. She got a hold of his shoulders with her trembling hands beginning to shake him while calling his name.

    "Harry! Wake up! See its fine" She yelled hoping he would hear through his own yells.

    "NO NO PLEASE NO!" He yelled scaring her the whole time.

    "HARRY WAKE UP!" She yelled loud enough causing his eyelids to flutter open while he panted heavily. His bright green glistening eyes staring the ceiling in horror.

    "Are you alright?" His head jerked towards the source of the worried voice and saw who sat there. The next thing he knew he simply launched himself on her, hugging her tightly while he panted.

    She froze at the sudden action, his arm tightly trapping her only pulling her even more closer to him, she found herself not being able to breath not just because of his tight arms, but because of the small tinglings she felt out of nowhere at the contact. He was hugging the life out of her, she could feel him trembling against her.

    She hesitantly raised her hands slowly patting him on the back, she didnt know how or why was she doing this, her hands rubbed small soft circles on his back as she felt him calm down a bit, her breath was caught in her throat, she didnt know how to detach him from herself, although she felt he needed to stay like this.

    "H-Harry are you alright?" She finally forced the words out, yet they came out so worried and weak. She inaudibly gasped when she suddenly felt him drop his hands from behind her and slowly started pulling away. Her breath shuddered as now he detached.

    "S-Sorry, I-I didnt– I– just—" He stuttered badly looking down wiping his forehead and face with his shaky hands.

    "Its alright, have this" She said in a small voice holding out the vial, he looked up surprised or maybe shocked. First of all he was confused where did she even come from, and why!?

    Amelia snapped her fingers in front of his face gaining his attention and pointed to the vial in her hand through her eyebrows. He nodded and practically snatched the vial from her hands due to his recent uneasiness. He shoved the liquid in his mouth gulping it in once, the butter taste of the potion making him almost vomit.

    But he wouldnt risk it in front of her, he clenched his jaw swallowing all the wierd arising within him until he felt the liquid seep down his throat and he calmed down. He timidly kept the empty glass vial on the nightstand looking down in his lap while fiddling with his fingers.

    "Thank–you Amelia" He said in a small voice, meanwhile she was busy staring how different he looked without glasses. It felt almost stupid because he looked a good kind of different.

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