Chapter 57 | A Day Before Wedding

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Sierra Black woke up traped in her daughter's arm and instantly a smile pulled at her face, but that smile faded with confusion as she didnt see her husband on the other side of the bed. Slowly getting out of Amelia's grip, Sierra turned to check the time and saw it just 5 o'clock in the morning and couldnt help but wonder where Sirius might have went.

    But soon her confusion was answered by a set of snores coming from the other side, and Sierra watched how Amelia groaned and whined in sleep kicking her feet behind her in desperation. Sierra's mouth parted on realising what kust have hap

    "Shh, Amelia." Sierra whispered caressing her daughter's hair pulling the blanket over her and slowly tip toed to her husband and leaned down whispering, "Sirius, wake up!"

    Sirius made a baby like crying face on hearing to wake up, causing Sierra to roll her eyes with a small smile, "Sirius it five, tomorrow's our daughter's wedding, we've got work to do."

   Pulling him up by his shoulders even when he denied to open his eyes at all costs, Sierra still managed to pull him on his feet and push him inside the bathroom, "Go quick! Wash you face!"

    Fifteen minutes later, when Sirius didnt come out, Sierra had to go in and check only to see her husband sleeping on the bathroom floor, "Sirius!"


Amelia woke up last in the noble house of black. Sitting up straight on the bed yawning loudly in her parents' room, she could hearing people bickering and their voice come from downstairs, so all the work for the big day has started now.

    Dragging her feet out of the room with a small smile, Amelia peeked through the door to see everyone running here and there in the whole house. Teddy being sushed by Lyra, Estella and Lily holding several papers and fussing about god knows what. James and Remus letting the decoration items in while Sirius could been seen being scolded by Sierra and Kreacher for something.

    Amelia almost laughed at how dramatic it appeard from there, her wedding was going to be the most memorable one due to this preparation process. Suddenly Amelia's eyes darted to her room across the whole corridor whose door opened, by Harry stepping out all sleepy and disheveled.

    There he was, her husband to be, silly Harold, She couldnt help but smile stupidly at the sight of him from the distance, rubbing his eyes and wearing his glasses his gaze went straight ahead of him to see her standing there, causing the same smile to pull at his face.

    Amelia waved at him slowly, to which he waved back with a smile. Amelia chuckled at how they both were acting right now as if they hadnt met each other since ages when it was only yesterday which passed between them without seeing each other.

    Amelia was gone to Hogwarts and Harry was gone with his friends for his bachelor's party which was much insisted by Ron. And now today it was her turn and she was so excited for it.

    "Harry!" James called from downstairs, as both of them peered down leaning on the railing of the corridor on either sides, and could see James holding a cover which evidently had someone's clothes in it, "Are you awake? Come downstairs and check this!"

    "Coming Dad!" Harry called back and glanced back at Amelia and stayed there for a second longer wanting to go to her as well, but Amelia gave an encouraging look to him to go forward, she knew it was his tomorrow's outfit. Passing a short smile, Harry went downstairs, while she sighed to herself with a content smile.

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