Chapter 46 | Last Chance

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"CALM DOWN, AMELIA I AM HERE with you." Harry kept whispering laying beside her, a hand softly rubbing her back while she kept breathing heavily due to having a third nightmare in row. She was woken up at two o'clock at night with a loud gasp and wasnt able to sleep since then.

    "I cant sleep," she mumbled with her back facing him staring at the empty wall in front of her. She felt his hand get away from her and soon he was shifting towards her, slowly his arm snaking over her stomach from behind and she felt her back hit his chest softly, his breath fanning on her neck from behind.

   "I am here, try to close your eyes," He whispered close to her ear causing weird tinglings in all her limbs, that weird fluttering in her stomach due to his hand resting there might make it even more difficult to sleep.

   She did what he said and held his hand over her stomach closing her eyes, listening to his breathing and feeling his heart beat behind her back. She almost smiled feeling the tip of his nose collide with the back of her neck causing a stupid tickling. She sighed softly trying to sleep having him close.

   It had been a week since she last met Sev at Hogwarts, and since then it had been a hell for her, talking to nobody but only Harry, not going out of her room at all, having constant nightmares, feeling weak all the time. Her life was getting messier.

   Several times Sirius and Remus  and others too came outside her room to ask if she was well, and she would not even allow them to come in. Only once Estella was able to come in along with Teddy and Amelia barely talked to her either.

   As she had allowed herself to talk to Harry only, he had been there with her the whole time, pushing every work he had aside, a lot of times Amelia felt guilty for ruining his things, as his whole time went in taking care of her and he could not do the things he wanted to.

   A couple of days ago, Ron and Hermione invited Harry to their house but Harry declined saying he could not come. Amelia told him to go out and freshen his mind a bit, but he wont leave her alone for a minute.

   Because in recent days, Amelia once fainted in the bathroom and since then Harry had been scared. He could not afford leaving her at all, the healers say its just weakness, but only Amelia knows. She explained everything to Harry on how her mother used to communicate to her in her third, fourth and fifth year.

   Harry was amazed, not shocked or scared. He was amazed upon knowing that there is this kind of magic too. All he said was Wow. And she was delighted that not once did he ever show a sign of disbelief. He believed in her. Something no one had ever done in eighteen years of her life.

   No matter if she was right or wrong, he believed in her. What she said was enough for him, he didnt need to cross check or just anything. She wondered where did such a trust come from and she could help herself from asking it one night, "Why do you trust me?"

𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐇 ⚯͛ 𝐀 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 & 𝐀 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now