Chapter 37 | After Party

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Everyone sat at the dining table enjoying the dinner prepared by Kreacher a lot. Amelia was still in surprise watching Draco and Ron being actually friendly for the first time ever in her lifetime, though they still taunted each other in a bitter sweet manner but it was all cool.

     Meanwhile sitting beside her fiance Amelia, didnt know why but she felt utterly pleasant hearing him laugh once in a while at Ron's lame and George's great jokes. She would occasionally glance at him throughout the meal sneakily enjoying the view of side profile very much.

    What was happening to her?

    Once the meal finished everyone got up asking what now after they were handing drinks, before anyone could suggest anything there was a knock on the door to which Kreacher went to answer. Everyone's attention darted to see who was to arrive, meanwhile Amelia experienced a weird feeling of anxiety wanting to know very bad who was out there.

    Are they back? Is he with them? She wondered to herself gulping heavily not knowing why was she feeling that way.

    Kreacher opened the door, and in came Lyra, Lily, Andromeda, Teddy, Remus and James. Not him. Amelia automatically mentally noted.

    "Amelia!" Lyra exclaimed from the distance running towards her niece to hug her tightly "Happy birthday dearie!"

    Amelia forced a smile back thanking her and mentally questioned where were they out whole day on her birthday. She couldnt help but nervously wonder if she hurt everyone last night. It was starting to feel very bad now.

    Worriedly Amelia's eyes went to find Remus' who was already looking at her with a soft smile. Her throat was going sore for unknown reasons. James too looked really quiet now.

    "Where— where were you all whole day?" Amelia asked trying very hard to not let her tone crack due to that sore throat.

    "Harry told us that you cant come down whole after noon, and the party was in the evening, so for the whole day we were forced to go out while Estella and Harry readied the place, they wouldnt let us stay here" Lyra explained causing Amelia to feel a little relieved.

   "Happy birthday Amelia" Lily came forward to hug her warmly, Amelia returned the smile shortly holding the gift of box Lily handed her on behalf of her and James.

    "And take your godson, who was dying to wish you on your birthday" Andromeda said handing Amelia her godson who squealed and laughed happily going in his godmother's arms. Andromeda hugged her wishing her on her special day.

    Amelia quickly got a picture clicked by Harry as Teddy too wished her by kissing her on the cheek, after being taught how to a lot many times. Amelia's eyes fell on her blonde cousin who seemed a little stiff trying to avoid Andromeda's presence near him. Amelia frowned, why? Then it clicked to her that Andromeda and Narcissa are sisters and Draco is Andromeda's nephew.

    Suddenly Amelia admired how big of a family circle she has.

   "By the way you look really beautiful in this pretty dress Amelia" Lyra complemented fixing a bit of Amelia's hair and then wiggled her eyebrows at her teasingly "Its from Harry right?"

    Amelia glanced at him a little shyly who grinned nodding a yes to everyone. And then upon Estella's insisting and on Lyra's approval all of them gathered up for a group picture together and then a family picture.

   Amelia who still held Teddy in her arms stood beside Harry in the middle with Lily and James by his side and then Andromeda beside them, on Amelia's side stood Estella and her parents. Ron was assigned to click a picture but was stopped by Estella "Wait!— Isnt Draco a part family too?"

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