Chapter 58 | Coffeeee!

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"Is this much okay Kreacher?" Amelia
asked standing in the kitchen holding the jug of milk, trying to make coffee for twelve people in the house.

    "Yes, Miss." Kreacher nodded while he was worried about the coffee powder sprawled on floor as Amelia by mistake tore the packet with too much power.

    "Thankyou for the help Kreacher." Amelia smiled planting her lips on top of the head of the elf softly. Holding the tray up with three mugs of coffee, Amelia decided to go to the living room where, Lyra, Estella, and Lily were discussing something.

    "Coffee time!" Amelia chimed going near them and the surprised look which striked the three ladies face was just undescribable. Amelia, in her whole lifetime, hadnt offered even water to anyone.

     "Thankyou, Amelia." Lily smiled taking the cup from her future daughter in law, while Lyra held an impressed look at her niece, "Growing up, are we?"

    "Yeah, a day before wedding is too early for that." Estella joked causing Amelia to roll her eyes with a small smile and other twos to chuckle.

    "I am just taking care of you people." Amelia stated politely, "I hope you like it."

    Lily claimed to love it, and in Estella's opinion the redhead was just showering way too much love on her future daughter in law suddenly, which was much appreciated by Amelia.

    She later went to check on Andromeda who was still sleeping but Amelia woke her up as it was now her medicine time and stayed with her chatting for a while talking about different things, from Andromeda remembering about Tonks' wedding and then her own wedding and then talking about Teddy being so restless nowadays.

    "I think he's just missing everybody, no one's being able to give him enough time thats why he's so restless," Amelia said watching Andromeda lean back to the headboard with a sigh escaping her lips and her eyes staring into nothingness, "I know, I wish I could take care of him."

    Andromeda halted and darted her gaze to Amelia with a small smile, "But I know his god mother will take the best care of him."

    "Ofcourse, I will." Amelia smiled warmly enclasping Andromeda's hot hand in hers. Andromeda closed her eyes mumbling to Amelia weakly, "But always remember Amelia, you will not compromise anything that you want, for taking care of Teddy, there are other people too, I dont want you to take the whole burden—"

    "Teddy's not a burden for me, Andy," Amelia interrupted quickly with a small frown, "Why are you talking like that?"

    "I am sorry," Andromeda mumbled and Amelia winced lightly hearing her voice crack, Andromeda was so overwhelmed for some reasons which she never really talked about to anybody, which saddened Amelia a lot.

   Opening her eyes, Andromeda smiled warmly at her and Amelia could see how her eyes glistened faintly. Andromeda leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on her forehead, "I wish you all the happiness for your future, my dear."

    "Thankyou." Amelia whispered suddenly herself feeling overwhelmed due to Andromeda's tone. Amelia left her room after Andromeda went back to sleep, claiming to feel extremely weak and tired. 

    After a while carrying four mugs to the terrace where the lighting work was going on by James and Regulus, Amelia hoped to find her parents too but they werent there.

    "Oh lord, that was much needed," Regulus exasperated on seeing Amelia approach them with coffee in her hands, "Especially while working with this man."

    "Hey!" James exclaimed offended as Amelia chuckled lightly, handing the two men their coffee, "At your service sir."

    "Thankyou," James smiled taking a sip, and just like his wife he too claimed to love the coffee so much that he couldnt stop himself from asking, "You tell me anything you want in return of this wonderful coffee, you'll have it."

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