Chapter 15 | Siriusly!?

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AMELIA STOOD ALL DOLLED UP in front of the mirror ready for her hogsmeade trip which was not denied to her, yet, after beating the shit out of her fiance just two days ago. She smiled to herself satisified with her look and waited for her bestfriend fo come out of the washroom after finishing her make up meanwhile Draco waited for both the girls outside in the living room deadpanned claiming to be there since ages.

     "I will go alone if you both dont come out in a minute!" Draco called from outside and both the girls rolled their eyes at their respective spots.

    "Lores, its getting time btw! Come out quick!" Amelia yelled for her bestfriend who soon came out looking all lovely. Both the girls grinned looking at each other before stepping out much to Draco's gratefulness but his eyes suddenly couldnt move away from the red head.

    Amelia cleared her throat playfully interrupting the eye contact, and turned to Draco with a mocking look "Now aint we getting late?"

    Draco scoffed and quickly rushed out meanwhile Amelia gave Lory a knowing look with a cheeky smile, causing the red head to blush and storm out. The trio moved across the streets of Diagon alley roaming in Hogsmeade and literally every shop because Lory was new to the place.

    After a while the three came to a rest going to sit in Hogshead for grabbing butterbears and firewhiskeys for themselves. Lory had shopped a lot and was struggling to hold all the bags and was helped by Draco who pretended to be nonchalant.

   "Go order a firewhiskey for me and something nice to eat" Amelia said as she plopped down on the chair tired from all the roaming. Draco rolled his eyes and went to order for themselves.

    "I'll come from the washroom real quick" Lory said and scurried to the washroom. Amelia absentmindedly roamed her eyes around remembering how often she use to come to the place with Cedric, but it totally declined after him.

    "Oh stop fussing Lyra!" Amelia froze on hearing the name and voice from behind her.

    It was Sirius' voice. What is he doing here!? Why god why!? No no no pleasee-

   "Chill out guys, lets find an empty table- look there its empty" This voice was also familiar, Amelia recognised it to be Lily's, and couldnt help but curse in the worst way possible.

    She wanted to get out the place right away, but how!? Slightly turning to see where Draco was, Amelia saw him talking to some of his friends, laughing and chatting, Lory was still not out of the washroom and Amelia sat there stiffly.

    Her eyes fell on the only table that was empty, which was right in front of her. Shit. Everything was getting worse and worse, all them must be approaching here only. Amelia didnt even want to see any of their faces, not at all, especially Sirius'.

    Her heart was mercilessly pounding in her brain, her breathing got heavier, she just didnt want to see her father at all and knew the whole clan was approaching in her direction to sit on the front table. She quickly picked a newspaper up opening it wide to cover her face, desperately thinking ways to get out of the place.

     She suddenly heard voices and shuffling in front of her indicating that the table was occupied, all of them had seated themselves there, her limbs were almost frozen. This was like her worst nightmare coming true. She was desperately hoping for a rescue to save her and take her out far far away from this place.

    "Harry said he'll come at twelve, and its twelve fifteen now" Lily Potter's voice came. And her words caused Amelia to almost throw up. If she didnt sneak away from here today, she knew it would be the worst day of her life, not ignoring the fact that what she had done to the chosen one.

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