Chapter 49 | Realisation

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ST. MUNGOS HAD NEVER BEEN THIS loud ever, due to the presence of all of Amelia Black's relatives, daily a new crowd of people arrived to meet the unconscious girl, especially the headmaster of Hogwarts who never missed one day to meet his niece.

   Sirius Black had been the most distraught, his friends and sister were always by his side when everytime he broke down upon hearing that his daughter's health had been deteriorating. Since the day of her surgery, Amelia hadnt opened her eyes.

   Every other day the healers would come up with new problems with Amelia's health. Watching his daughter om the verge of dying had broken Sirius beyond repair. Several nights went by crying sitting out of her room in dark. As promised, he never left his daughter for even a second.

   Remus Lupin too hadnt been any better watching his god daughter like that. Her bright cheerful face was covered with weakness, with no sign of life on it. She barely looked lile the Amelia he used to now, sassy, bold, talkative and naughty, he missed his god daughter.

   Meanwhile Severus Snape had been evidently the most worried anyone could have ever seen. Strolling through the corridors of the hospital with his black cloak flying behind him, he anxiously did everything needed in order to get his niece well again.

   Draco, Lory, Pansy, George and all of Amelia's friends payed several visits frequently and almost everyday but ended up leaving with no positive news. Lory Malfoy was found breaking down many times outside the Amelia's room, watching her bestfriend through the glass.

    And then there was Harry Potter at the moment sitting a small restaurent with his both best friends by his side, as he was forcibly sent to leave the hospital for a few minutes and freshen his mind. Nearing midnight, the three best friends have been sitting in the small muggle restaurent since an hour.

   Harry had been getting drunk since then, talking about the random Amelia things. How she always gets him late to anywhere they go, how she loves pancakes so much, how she likes to dance to an energetic song before hitting the bed most of the nights, and how she calls him an idiot whenever he blushes while she too blushes herself, he talked about everything.

   "I cannot watch her like that." He said staring ahead of him taking a sip from his wine glass. Ron pursed his lips placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder, "She'll be alright mate."

   "In all these days, I have never left her side for even a minute and all the time I missed her all along," He talked in a dry voice, his eyes tired "I miss her voice, I miss talking to her, I miss everything about her, it feels like I cant — I cant live without her."

   He almost whispered the last part, holding a different kind of look in his eyes, as if he had realised something. Ron and Hermione shared a look, thinking the same thing at the same time.

   "Harry are you—?" Ron asked staring at Harry who too was in a little daze, his drunken mind only picturing the same girl again and again, talking to him brightly, laughing loudly calling him an 'idiot'.

    "Are you in love?" Hermione completed, her lips tugging upwards, Harry's head turned to her upon hearing the 'L' word. Was he in love? With Amelia?

   Sure, her smiles makes him smile, seeing her in pain breaks him as well, he cannot also imagine sleeping at night without having a sweet glance of her smiley face. Having her by his side makes him feel good, he always seeks her sight wherever he goes.

    Was he in love?

    In all this time he never really realised, from fighting with her and then imagining to be in love with the same girl was close to impossible, but now it felt like the impossible has finally happened. Harry Potter in love with Amelia Black? It almost sound surreal.

   With a fluttering feeling in his heart, he could only imagine Amelia Black sitting in front of him, smiling and calking him 'Harold', his mouth parted lightly, as he said most impossible thing, "I am in love with Amelia."


Sitting in the dimly lit room, where his daughter slept so peacefully, Sirius sat on the couch in the other end of the room tiredly, with dried out tears visible on his cheeks, bags under his eyes which were tired like nothing.

   Every once in a while he took a glance at his sleeping daughter in hopes of she will stir and wake up soon, but his hopes were not being fulfilled. He scrunched his eyed shut tiredly pinching the bridge of his nose.

    His other hand held his wallet in which he had his small family picture, a seven-eight month Amelia, dressed in a cute floral frock, Sirius had picked her up in arms while Sierra stood side hugging him, Amelia was evidently angry at her mother trying to push her away as she wanted to pose with her father alone, besides she did not like sharing at all.

    Sirius chuckled softly, reminiscing the time when he got the picture clicked, how he wished the things to get back like that. He had already lost his wife and now was on the verge of losing his daughter as well. Everyday he was met with a more tragic news about her deteriorating health.

   The wall clock struck at midnight with a small sound, glancing at his daughter with a defeated look, he decided to get up and glanced out of the door to search for any sign of his family members, none of them could be seen in the dark corridor. He assumed maybe they went to the healer.

   He felt the urge to go to the washroom which was in the same room but he didnt want to leave her as well. Seeing her sleeping peacefully in the same manner which he had been watching her since days, he knew from experience, she wont be waking up. He decided to himself that he will be real quick as he rushed to the washroom quickly.

    As the door closed, Amelia was left in the dimly lit room sleeping quietly, as if she had been sleeping since forever. A calm look always on her face.

   Wake up Amelia... Her mother's voice rang in her head. Please save me... The voice kept repeating itself.

   With her eyebrows furrowing and her breathing getting unsteady, Amelia stirred in sleep. It started hurting in the chest, where the stone of her necklace was placed, a gleaming light swirling in the large emerald stone.

   Wake up Amelia! I am at — A loud gasp left her mouth as Amelia shot up on her bed wide eyed, breathing heavily and looked around to find herself in an empty operation theater.

   "She is at.." She trailed off wide eyed and pushed herself out of the bed running straight out of the room, the corridor was dark and empty as well, descending down the stair in a rushed manner she kept chanting to herself the name of the place, "I know where she is, I am coming mum."

   As soon as she stepped out of the hospital she didnt wait for even a second before apparating away to the place she thought her mother was at.


Q. What do you think will Amelia find Sierra?

 What do you think will Amelia find Sierra?

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P.s.- I also feel like u guys are losing interest..🤨

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