Chapter 44 | I Believe You

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"AMELIA PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" Harry called from outside worriedly, knocking on the door after Amelia left the dining room smashing the glass on the floor shocking everyone, and he left after her not very much delighted with the way the whole family acted around her.

   In his opinion they were suppossed to make her feel ok, if not better, but they acted opposite in a way, they made her feel even worse. He brought her down happily for the dinner in hopes of that the family will lighten her mood, but they had her bursting out at them.

   "Amelia open the door please! We'll talk it out!" He called again, anxiety killing him from inside wondering what she had been doing inside. She already casted the charm locking the door so that even he couldnt enter.

    "Leave me alone Harry! Please!"

   He knew she really wanted to be left alone, so he left after calling, "Okay... But just for some time, then you'll have to open the door."

   Sitting on floor by the wall, hugging her knees to her chest, letting out shuddering breaths, Amelia stared with heavily tear pooled eyes at the emarald necklace in her hands which belonged to her mother.

   She is alive. She kept telling herself constantly and she knew it was not a dream, it was real. She was alive.

   And she wanted her back. At any cost.

   But no one in the house was ready to accept what she had been saying repeatedly, no one believed her, and it angered her to core. She felt extreme annoyance, frusteration, desperation and irritation because of the behavior of her family.

   Why cant they just believe me? She asked to herself desperately. It was breaking her internally, all her peak emotions bottling up and were coming out in the worst way possible. She hated it, she hated life, she hated everything.

   It was the same frusteration she used to experience in her fourth and fifth year when she used to talk to her mother, daily. She used to be so snappy all the time, in a foul mood and just ready to snap someone's head off. She was dangerous back then.

   And it was all because of her mother. She made her do everything, she made her say everything, her mind felt under the control of her mother. It was frusterating. She wanted to get rid of those emotions.

   She wanted to have her mother back.

   Staring intensely at the large emarald stone of the necklace, she gulped heavily swallowing down her tears, she was really tired of shedding them, but they would never end.

   She was tired of everything about life. She would have sounded so dramatic if she said it out loud, but it was true. She had no energy left for just anything. She was tired of life, but the life was not tired of her. The life still had certainly more awful things to be offered to her.

   It would have been a lie if she said, that she had moved on from Cedric, deep down she knew she didnt. It was not easy at all. That was a kind of love she experienced with him, which is written in the books, which is just magical, which makes you feel alive, that was the best time of her life and she just hadnt experienced anything better to grow out of it.

   And if her life remained the same awful, she doubted she would ever grow out of it.

   Harry was nice, he had changed a lot, changed in a much better way, she never thought he would be this nice to her for practically no reason. Both of them had fought like cats and dogs earlier but now it has all changed, and she never realised how?

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