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"Kick left, y/n."

"That's right, dumbhead." You glared at Jimin as he chugged his water.

"Hobi, I'm tired," you whined. Hoseok sighed and you paused the music. "How come no one else has to stay this late?" Your friend wiped the sweat off of his forehead and reached for Jimin's bottle as he smiled.

"Because you guys are my favourite."

You rolled your eyes and slid down next to Jimin to lean against the mirror. He rested his head against your shoulder and you shut your eyes to breathe. "I have so much homework," Jimin mumbled. "So many practice problems-- Namjoon hyung doesn't understand that I have a love outside of class."

Hoseok went through his phone, glancing up at you. "Do you want to wrap up, y/n?"

"Please." He laughed and nodded. You stretched out your legs before standing. "I have to get home and take a shower."

"At least the shower rooms will be free, right?" Jimin checked the time on his watch. "It's almost eleven."

"Nah, there'll be people in there," you mumbled. "It's a Friday night too-- everyone's getting ready to go out." shaking your head, you grabbed your things. "I have to babysit tomorrow morning too so I'll have to be up early."

"How do you do so much?" Hoseok pulled on a sweatshirt over his sweat-drenched tank top. "School, dance, a job-- don't you tutor too?"

"Just one kid," you said with a nod. "And I babysit three-- it's not too bad." Jimin patted you on the shoulder before wrapping one arm around you. "And I get help with the babysitting," you sighed, acknowledging Jimin. "And Kookie doesn't need to be tutored that often-- I usually just help with homework."

"Jeon Jungkook," Hoseok repeated with a nod as you exited the studio together, heading down the empty hallway.

"Mhm, and, I can combine tutoring and babysit together sometimes."

"Efficiency," Hoseok pointed out. You laughed. "I'll walk her to her dorm, Jiminie-- didn't you say you have a lot of homework?" Jimin nodded and let go of you.

"I do-- I also said I'd sneak into the girls' dormitory to see my girlfriend though." You shoved Jimin in the shoulder with an eye-roll. "What? She wants to see me."

"You're always sneaking in-- when are you going to get caught?"

"Hey, don't wish it upon me." You smiled and Hoseok pointed in the other direction.

"I'll get going then-- don't get caught, Jiminie."

"I won't hyung!" Hoseok walked off and you scanned your id, letting both you and Jimin in behind you. You rolled your eyes as he ducked behind a pillar and a plant as you went to sign in with the woman in charge of entry.

"You're always late-- I'm going to call your work to see if you actually work late," she mumbled as you signed in.

"I wasn't at work, ma'am, I was just at dance practice." She rolled her eyes, not believing you and turned to note down your late entry. Jimin ran past you to her turned back and headed straight for the elevators. You rolled your eyes. "Have a nice night, ma'am."

She hummed and you walked to Jimin, who was waiting inside of the elevator for you, holding it open. You slipped in. "I'm so lucky I always wear a hood," he mumbled, pulling it over his head to hide from the cameras in the elevator. You rolled your eyes and pressed different buttons for different floors. "Do you have a roommate yet?"

"No, not yet," you sighed. "I hate having to clean the entire flat on my own."

"I mean, you get all the space to yourself." The elevator dinged at your floor and you made a move to get out. "I'll see you tomorrow at practice?" Jimin asked.

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