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You stopped the music and sighed, sliding down against the mirror before relacing your shoes. The ad played out and you reached for your phone to change the song again. While it loaded, you let out a deep sigh, letting your body slump.

Hoseok would've yelled at you for your posture but really, you couldn't care less. With the studio empty, you'd been at it for almost an hour and a half. Your legs were pretty tired but you couldn't stop just yet. Every time you felt yourself think about Tae, you told yourself to get up and dance. Or do something.

"Oh, you're here." Jimin closed the door behind him and dropped his bag by yours. "What are you practicing?"

He dropped onto the ground and stretched, leaning back on his palms. "Nothing, I'm just-- doing nothing." He frowned but nodded slowly.

"Do you wanna practice?" Yo nodded and stood as he stretched for a bit longer. "Hyung said we should do everything in reverse for the piece we're working on right now." You stared at Jimin wide-eyed in the mirror.


"Yeah-- like we switch spots so you do the moves with your right and I do it with my left." Jimin pulled his hands up to make sure. "Yes, you right, me left."

You sighed and nodded. "Alright."

"We don't have practice, do we?" he asked. You shook your head. "Okay, I was gonna practice with my point shoes."

"Oh-- I can let you be then."

"No, it's okay-- I don't mind running through the dance." You looked to the ground. "We probably should anyway-- Hoseok hyung will be impressed."


"You good?" He moved you by the shoulders to where you were supposed to be standing. You looked around and nodded, remembering you were to switch places.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded and hit play on your phone for the music to start. You talked while dancing, correcting each other and making conversation.

"How's the kid you were babysitting the other week doing?" he asked with a smile in the mirror. "She's okay?"

"Mina? Yeah, she's a lot better." He smiled. "It's still hard because it's hard to communicate with her parents and all, but it's right."

"Is she still sick?"

"I think she's feeling a lot better-- it was just a cold after all." Jimin nodded. "Thanks for helping me that day."

"Yeah, no problem-- sucks Tae couldn't help you out. He's a lot better with kids." You nodded slowly and you missed a step. Jimin clicked his tongue as he stopped too. "You forgot--"

"Yeah, I know."

"Okay," he said with a nod. He began to talk slowly. "Are you tired?"

"Kinda." He ran over to pause the music and you dropped to the floor. He pulled off his shoes as he walked to his bag. "I wish I'd continued ballet," you mumbled, watching him pull on his shoes. He smiled.

"You can still start again." You shook your head, stretching out your legs in front of him as he laced his shoes.

"I'm too old now." He smiled and rolled his eyes as he stood. "But I shall join you in practicing my jumps."

"You can't jump as high as I can, though." You rolled your eyes, sticking your tongue out at him.

"My splits are still a lot cleaner than yours are anyway."

"That's just because you're a religious stretcher, y/n." You laughed and shook your head, sliding into your splits easily to show him. He waved you off. "Check your locker for your ballet shoes."

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