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an// hi guys! another small filler :/ i proMISE that it gets better. i promise i promise. very soon, we'll be getting to the spicy stuff. for now, enjoy this chapter! there's no flashback of the three of them as kids in this one [i know :(] but we have another small highschool flashback where y/n liked tae. i hope this isn't getting too confusing :( i love you all and i hope you enjoy! and sorry for the lack of updates! i started work and it is soooo tiring being on my feet all day with five year olds :/ on a side note, one of them wants me to be his girlfriend and is literally pining after me by bringing me toy broccoli and dandelions when we go outside he's the cutest little thing :(


"Is this really a good idea, Tae?" He leaned against the door as he attempted to swipe the key card. Backwards. Twice.




You laughed as he finally got the studio open. "This is so Jimin of us." Tae nodded, always rather quiet when tipsy. The party animal in him came out when he was full-on drunk but just a few glasses as you'd just had, that wouldn't impact anything.

"We're just painting," He mumbled, letting you in.

"Painting drunk."


You grinned and went to set your things to paint as he grabbed your smocks. "Yoongi'll kill us if we mess this up and have to restart, TaeTae."

He grumbled an incoherent response and you raised your eyebrows as you tied up your smock. "He'll live," he repeated.

"You're so much drunker than I am, Tae." 

He just flashed you a smile and held out a paintbrush. "I'm most inspired while intoxicated." With an eye roll, you tied up his smock when he'd failed to a few times.

"That's what we all say."

You got to work right away. With the background completed with a few other specific details, what you had left was simple. It wouldn't be horrible to do drunk and if it was, it could easily be fixed.

"Thank you," He mumbled while mixing a few shades of grey while sitting on the ground.

"For?" You had your elbow balanced on the table as you made careful strokes. Alcohol made you shake slightly.

"Still being my friend." His voice was lower than usual and it almost felt as if he was about to drift right off into sleep.

"'course, Tae."

"Love you." You smiled and nodded at him, glancing over as he stirred the paint in his tray uselessly.

And then it was quiet again. You carried on with your painting as he laid on the floor now, mixing paints that you didn't even need. You tried to enjoy the silence, the alcohol helping to keep your mind free of any thoughts until Tae spoke up again.

"Do you still—" His voice cracked and he paused to clear his throat. "Do you still remember what happened the rest of that night?"

You frowned, focusing on your paint. "What night?"

"Of that party."

You frowned. "Which?" He let out a low sigh and reached for some oil paints. You let him do his thing despite not even needing oils.

"Yeah." You raised your eyebrows. "I don't know."

"Taehyung what are you saying?" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"The party where you snuck out." You stared at him until he looked back. "Yeah. That one."

"Well." You shrugged at the memory. It wasn't that great of a memory anymore. "It's over now. It's passed."

just friends//kthWhere stories live. Discover now