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an// i literally havent posted since september and im so sorry!! ive also been trying to post all day with absolutely no success but here we go again. anyway, ive been so busy with school but we jsut had finals and now im free!! im gonna post the rest of this book for anyone who's been waiting, and if you're still here reading, i love you <3


Needless to say, your dance with Jimin was perfect. You placed first in duets-- also earning a small scholarship for your following year.

But the last thing on your mind was the dance or your award.

You let Hoseok wrap you in a hug as you made your way towards him. "So proud of you."

"All thanks to your wonderful choreography, Hobi," you sighed, letting yourself be wrapped in his warmth. He chuckled as you pulled away. "Thank you."

"Thank you. Do you have any idea how good this looks on me and my name?" you laughed, shaking your head. "I hope you both continue dancing, y/n. You're amazing dancers."

"Thank you, hyung!" Jimin threw his arm around your shoulders. "We're gonna be on Dancing with the Stars, right y/n?" You rolled your eyes. "You wanna apply?"

"Let's finish college first."

The three of you chuckled and talked a bit more about the competition and scores and how much you'd won by before parting ways. "You wanna get dinner?" Jimin asked. "To celebrate?"

"Nah-- I've got dinner with... with someone else." You figured it'd be better not to mention that it was with Tae. Jimin nodded and you kissed him on the cheek, fixing your bag over your shoulder. "I'm gonna get going?"

He nodded and wrapped you in a hug. "Thanks for being the duet partner in the world, hey?" You laughed and nodded, kissing him on the cheek again. "And remember what I said? Please."

"I'm over him, Jiminie, I promise."

"So you admit you--"

"I'm having sex with Jungkook, remember?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, knowing you were stretching the truth. "So I'll be fine. I can just call him up if I need someone." This one wasn't far from the truth-- Jungkook would probably come over whenever, being so attached to you.

"Yeah, yeah, alright-- I'll text you."

You headed out of the gymnasium with your trophy in your bag as you rushed to the bathroom. A hand on your shoulder stopped you as they caught up with you. "Hyung texted me the restaurant-- let's head together?" Tae asked, walking in line with you.

"Yeah, sounds good-- let me use the bathroom?" He nodded and you smiled, slipping in.

Taehyung leaned against the wall by the bathroom and sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket. It was dying. That was great-- he still needed to tell Jimin he'd be in late after having dinner. He'd just have to use your phone.

Using the last of his battery to double-check the restaurant's address and to scroll through his Instagram timeline, he waited for you to finish in the bathroom. You exited soon enough, tugging the bottom of your skirt out, fixing your blouse.

"Okay?" you asked. Tae looked up as you stood before him. He nodded, pulling at a part of your blouse to rub it between his fingers.

"There's a stain here?" he asked. You groaned, licking your thumb before going over the fabric. He chuckled. "It isn't noticeable. It should be fine. You were wearing it earlier anyway."

"Yeah, okay-- let's get going."

You and Tae walked out of the building making almost small talk all the way to the car. You kept was Jimin had said to you on repeat in your head whenever you felt butterflies in your stomach.

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