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"Right now?"

"Yes-- it's not too far from here."

"But it's so late, y/n." You sighed, clicking your phone on as Taehyung helped with your seatbelt. It lit up the dark car.

"I know but he needs to hand it in soon and it's just a few questions." Taehyung started the car, letting it warm up. "If you have to get back, it's totally fine if you could just drop me off at the bus stop by your dor--"

"No, no." He turned, pulling out of the parking lot. "You can't take the bus at night-- I can take you."

"Thank you." You texted Jungkook that you'd be over soon and his response was immediate.

is he bringing you?

You looked up at Tae. "You sure you're okay taking me?" He nodded and turned his lights on.


"How long will it take?" he asked, making a left turn. "Does he have a lot to ask?"

"He said it was just a question-- but you don't have to wait. I can ask him to take me home or the bus is really fine."

"No, I'll wait," Tae muttered, hands gripping the wheel.

You frowned. "But it might take a long time." He shrugged. "Really, Tae-- if it bothers you that much, I can just spend the night at Koo--"

"No, I can just wait, y/n." You sighed. "It's fine."

"Jungkook is a really nice person, Tae." Taehyung nodded. "I don't get it."

"I just don't think it's good for you to, like, you know. Be sleeping with him so casually.." When he stopped at a red light, you turned to face him. "I just want you to be safe and--"

"That's not fair, Taehyung. I can sleep who I want to and Jungkook and I are friends. He isn't going to hurt me."

"I don't mean it like that-- you know his reputation for sleeping around. I don't want you to catch anything."

"Listen. Tae." Taehyung started the car back up. "I told you already. Just let me sleep with who I want to."

"I'm not trying to--" You cut him off as he pulled into Jungkook's neighbourhood, the frat house pretty clear as the largest in the neighbourhood. You popped off your seatbelt.

"Go home, Tae. I'll just spend the night with Kook."

"Y/N, listen." He got out of the car and jogged up behind you as you made your way up the steps. "I just don't know about him."

"You know," you sighed, "maybe a part of you does believe that Jungkook slept with t/gf." Tae's eyes narrowed. "Maybe that's why you feel so off about him."

"This has nothing to do with her because they didn't fucking sleep together, y/n! She didn't fucking cheat--"

"Did you feel the tension around them today, Tae? Did you?"

"They don't know ea--"


The front door opened to reveal Jungkook, a nervous flare in his eyes. You sighed, shaking your head as you headed closer to him to go in. "Hey, Koo, sorry-- he's leaving."


You turned to look at Taehyung, standing a the bottom of the steps with a defeated look on his face. His shoulders dropped as you put a hand on Jungkook's bicep. Jungkook gulped and shuffled over as a sound came from inside the house.

"Jungkookie-- you said we'd be alo--"

T/GF's voice was ever so clear in the empty house and echoed all the way out. Your eyes widened as Jungkook looked down at the ground. When you looked back at Tae, his eyes were widening, his mouth dropping open.

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