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You were blessed with your alarm waking you up at ten am sharp. And as planned, you'd gotten a solid 13 hours of sleep having returned home from Yoongi's a little before nine. So, it was safe to say you were very well-rested.

Feeling calm and happy that everything was good to go, you took your time gathering your things for the day. You needed an outfit in black for the showcase and you had that skirt and blouse laid out on your bed. Then you needed the outfit you were dancing in with both Jimin and the group. Just casual activewear for that-- oh, and you runners. You needed those.

Running around to grab the things you needed, you shoved item after item in your dance bag. Yoongi was just going to have to live with you showing up with a neon Nike bag to his art showcase just before it started. Whatever. You win some, you lose some.

You had to dress up in the art showcase outfit first. Heels and all, you did your hair in your room, making sure the rest of your things were packed. Then you headed to the floor bathroom with your make-up to get ready.

You didn't want to do too much of anything. Your hair had to be up in a ponytail, regardless of the fact that you'd have preferred it to be down for the showcase. Changing outfits was all you could handle between the showcase and the dance competition. The same went for make-up-- minimal was the only way you were about to go.

So it was as you curled you eyelashes for the final time that you decided you would stop just there and get going. Until someone walked into the bathroom, grumbling to themself. "Why isn't he fucking answering?"

You glanced up but t/gf didn't see you as she set her phone on the counter, to fix her hair. She too was in all black. "Oh, hey," she said with a smile, clicking her phone off when you glanced at it. "You're going to the showcase, right?"

"Yeah, I am." You didn't like this girl's vibes anymore.

"I'll see you there then!" You nodded and began to pack up your things as she went back to arranging her hair in front of her shoulders. You stared at her for a second, wondering if you really had gotten her confused at the cafe or if there were perhaps two t/gf's on campus?

Speaking of. Jungkook had mentioned he'd pick you up for the showcase as he was determined to trn up and see what it all was that you'd been so hardly working on. Answering his call, you smiled, tossing your little bag over your shoulder. "Heya, Jungkook-- I'm almost ready; I'll be down in a sec."

And as you headed out, you tried to ignore the way t/gf's eyes flitted up to yours as you spoke on the phone.


"Where is it?"

"I gave it to you the day you asked, bro."

"No, you didn't-- you said you were gonna get it drycleaned for me?" Jimin rubbed his eyes as he pulled on a t-shirt.

"Dry cleaned?"

"What the fuck, Jiminie," Tae groaned, searching through his friend's drawers.

"I never went to the dry cleaner's, that's for sure," Jimin said, sitting up in bed, tugging his shorts over his thighs properly as he crossed his legs under him.

"I need a black shirt," Tae sighed. "Where am I gonna get a black shirt from this close to the showcase?" he sighed. Spying something black in Jimin's drawer, he tugged it out. "Found it."

"Is it ironed?" Taehyng straightened it out.

"It's fine," he sighed, his hectic morning finally progressing. Jimin stood and stretched out his body as he always did. Tae scrambled to get the black button-up over his torso, tucking it into his pants. He turned for his blazer and slipped it on as he grabbed his wallet.

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