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"Have you put your dress on?"

Shaking your head, you popped your phone up. "I'm just doing my hair and make-up first." Taehyung nodded and you glanced at him on the screen before returning to your mascara. He seemed to be dressed already, sitting back in his chair at his desk.

"Good, I don't wanna see you in it just yet." You rolled your eyes and moved to the other eye. "I still don't understand what's so attractive about eye lashes."

"I don't either, Tae." You blinked, making sure you hasn't smudged anything. "But it makes me feel pretty."

"Yeah, yeah, you always look pretty." You smiled at him through the face time and he winked. Rolling your eyes, you shook your head, going back to dabbing at your cheels with a beauty blender. He played with his rings. "Hey, y/n?"


"We're still gonna be friends in uni, right?" You looked over. He met your eye through the screen. "Even if we don't have every class together? We'll still be friends?"

"'Course, Tae. It'll always be the three of us.

"Yeah, but me and Jiminie are going to be rommates at the dorm. You won't be there. What if you... find new friends or something?"

"You don't want me making friends?" you teased with a smile. "Possesive, Kim."

"You know what I mean."

"I'll always love you both, don't worry." He nodded. "We'll hang out often and never drift."

"You aren't going to find a boyfriend that you're gonna constantly ditch us for?" You didn't look at him as you applied blush, shaking your head.

"Always your friend first."


"So are you picking up your date?" you asked, changing the topic quickly. Taehyung sighed. "Does she live far?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving in like ten minutes." You nodded. "Are you getting picked up?"

"Yeah, I think so." Tae smiled at you. "I can't believe we're going to fucking prom."

"I know-- it feels like it was just yesterday that we had our eighth grade graduation." You nodded in agreement and sighed. "Almost done?"

"Yeah, just about. I need to change into my dress." You dabbed at your lips with a napkin before turning to Tae. He smiled. "How do I look?"

"Beauftiful." You blushed and stood, giving him a full view of your pyjamas. He laughed. "Have fune getting ready, y/n. I'lll see you at the dance?"

"You better not forgot about our dance, Kim."



"Oh, hi."

"What happened?"

"Nothing-- it took you a while to get out?" You nodded and fixed your purse over your shoulder, looking around the empty parking lot. It was almost three, four in the morning now.

"Yeah, I needed to talk to the venue people and pay the finalties." Tae nodded. "Why are you still here?"

"Oh, hyung asked for a ride because yor taxis cancelled so I gave him one as he left." You nodded. "Then, since yours was cancelled, I came back to get you too be cause-- well, I don't have your number anymore to call and ask, so, yeah."

You looked away for a second, before looking back, realizing your taxi was in fact not there. "It's fine, don't worry. I can just take the bus. It's late and you should get home."

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