forty - six

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"Good morning, baby!" You picked up the dog and cuddled him in a little, letting him get under the sheets with you. He snuggled up by your pillow between you and Taehyung and you smiled, kissing his head. "Good morning," you whispered again, scratching him behind the ears.

Yeontan barked a little in excitedness, waking his dad up. You smile to see his back muscles move as he reached up to wipe and rub at his eyes. You peaked over to see him slowly blink himself awake. "Tan?" he mumbled, confused as to why the doggo was in his bed.

"Morning," you whispered. Taehyung stretched his arms out as he turned to his back, getting sight of you. You smiled down at him from your seated position and he reached a hand up to you for no reason. You took his hand and held it in your lap as he laid, still waking up.

"Mornin'." You played with his fingers as his other hand went to run through his hair and then Yeontan's. He sat up on his forearm, arms bulging in his t-shirt. "Sleep okay?" he asked, eyes a little puffy.

"Yeah. You?" He noddded and lifted Yeontan as the dog stood. He set him down and he ran out of the room. Taehung took the opportunity to roll into you, head in your lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your hands fell into his hair as he snuggled in. "Don't you have work?" you asked softly.


"I don't have to go to the studio today-- no classes. And Jimin's taking care of the rennovations that are happening." Taehyung looked up at you. "So if you wanna spend the day in..."

"Wanna go on a date, y/n?"

You raised your eyebrows. "A date?"

"Yes. A date."

A smile playing on your lips, you tilted your head. "Will this be our second date?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded.

"I'd say the first one a few weeks ago was great. And since we have Jiminie's approval..."

"Alright." He smiled. "Where are we going?" Taehyung shrugged and kissed the exposed skin of your waist where your t-shirt had ridden up. You pushed his head away and he sat up, taking your face into his hands before kissing you.

"Just get ready and we'll go wherever we feel like fricking going."


"I want.... that one." Taehyung pointed at the largest bear on the wall, confirming. You nodded.

"As you please."

You sat against the counter of the game, waiting for Taehyung to play out the ring toss. You watched as he threw his rings slowly and steadily, aiming to win the teddy bear for you.

What was supposed to be a brunch date ended up being a series of tiny dates, all in one day. You'd started the day late, around noon and had brunch at a place near home. He'd then insisted you visit the museum he worked at as you'd never been there. Sneaking yourselves in, he gave you a personal tour, curating as he always did.

It was beautiful, watching him get lost in pieces, talking about them with the passion he had before realizing it was just you, breaking into a cute embarrassed chuckle. "Oops."

And then you'd gone for dessert at a little cafe, stopping for some coffee as well before ending up at this random carnival to have some fun. He'd already won you some free coupons and now he was aiming for a stuffed bear-- the largest they had.

But even after spending over 20 bucks on the game, was only able to get about a dozen small stuffed animals. "Tae, Tae, that's enough, honey." You took his arm and dragged him away.

"But you wanted the big one."

"Look, I've got so many little ones. We can't even carry these." He sighed, taking a little whale from your arms.

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