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"Oh, that's okay then."

"Where do you think I should take her though?" 

You tilted your head before looking down. "I dunno, Tae-- it's your date."


You walked in silence for a few moments. You didn't realize that one rejection from him would lead to so many. Even on the smallest scale of working on your painting for Yoongi was something Tae didn't seem to want to do with you. You'd asked him if he was free and he'd rejected you because of a date he had with his girl.

You reached class in silence and went your separate ways. You'd decided to stay sitting right at the front while he headed up to Yoongi. You could tell that Yoongi was able to catch that something was off but you couldn't care less. You were too wrapped up in getting rid of your long-term crush.

You pulled out your laptop for it to turn on and glanced around the room as it worked. Yoongi held up his phone to get your attention and you picked up yours, checking your texts. You texted back and forth for a moment before feeling a tap on your shoulder.

When you turned to face him, Tae smiled. "Take notes for me?"

"Where are you going?" 

He winked as he jogged to the front of the lecture hall. T/GF, he mouthed. You nodded and gave him a smile as he ran out of the room. Your shoulders sunk again as you watched him go, shaking your head a little. You signed in to your laptop and pulled up a document as the seats around you began to fill. Including the one next to you. "Hey, y/n."

"Oh. hey, Yoongs."

"He left for his girlfriend?" 

You nodded and gave Yoongi a smile. "Yeah, he told me. Cute, huh?" Yoongi's eyebrows raised as he clicked open his files.

"Something like that." You rolled your eyes and bumped your shoulders with his. "I don't know, y/n-- these are important lessons."

"Don't act like you didn't miss every lecture you had last week." 

His turn to roll his eyes. "That wasn't for a girl." You raised your eyebrows and he smiled, shaking his head. "Fine, one lecture was for a girl-- but we were productive."

"Oh my god, Yoongi!"

"No! Not like that!" You laughed and it felt really good. You let out a sigh as your professor walked to the front of the class. "She helped with one of my paintings."

"How are things going with her? Are you out of the talking stage?" Yoongi shrugged and began to type as the introductory slides were presented.

"Sort of. I shot my shot and she said she wasn't looking for a relationship but she was okay if we wanted to 'hang out'."

"'Hang out'?"

"Mhm." You nodded and Yoongi let out a sigh, his fingers pausing over the keyboard. "Wait, does that mean she doesn't want to date me? Does it mean that she doesn't want to be anything more than friends, hence the 'hang out'? Or does it mean she'd like to be together but just not with labels yet?" You laughed and someone tapped you on the shoulder, asking you to shut up.

"Oh, Yoongs."

"Girls are so weird," he muttered.

"It isn't like you assholes are any better."

"Whatever. I'm gonna pretend it's the latter."


"I wanna go on the swings now, Jiminie." Jimin whined but got off, giving you the free swing. You smiled, taking a seat. "Ew, it's warm!"

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