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"You better ask out Ryan then," Jimin said with a chuckle. "He's right above us, y/n-- want me to play wingman?"

"Shut up!" You held the bouquet close to your body as people congratulated you. Your eyes drifted back to Tae who was holding the toddler's hand as they made their way over to you. Jae waddled over and held his arms up.

"Want!" he commanded. You smiled, lifting him up, handing him the bouquet.

"All yours, honey." He giggled and wrapped an arm around your neck as you helped him hold the flowers. You gave Tae a smile before excusing yourself, walking away.

"Hyung?" Jae asked. You smiled. "Hyung?"

"We'll go back to him in a second. I need to find Hobi." Jae ignored this as he focused on ripping out his bouquet's petals. "Where is Hobi?" you mumbled to yourself.

You only managed to walk circles around the hall, tripping over someone's dress once and were right back at Tae. Again.

"Where'd you go?" he asked, once Jae began cheering. You passed him over.

"I just need to find Hoseok." Tae smiled and bounced Jae on his hip. "God, it's so loud in here. And everyone is wearing such long dresses, make sure Jae isn't trip—"

"Y/N!" You turned.

"I've been looking all over for you, Hobi."

He smiled and held up his phone. "Kook's texted me— ready to head out?"

"The airports only twenty minutes away, right?" Hoseok nodded and pulled out his phone to text you the details of Jugkook's flight.

"Where are you...?" Taehyung trailed off as he pulled Jae's hands out of his hair.

"She's picking someone up from the airport," Hobi sighed as you received the text. You held your phone up to confirm and smiled.

"I'll be off!" You squeezed Jae's nose as he giggled and reached to squeeze yours back. "I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Uh huh!"

You waved to Tae before rushing out of the venue and into your car. You couldn't wait to see him, frankly. It's been, what? Almost a year since you'd seen him?

But you were delayed yet again only halfway there. A few cars were honking at you as they drove by, confusing you enough. Pulling to the side you rolled down your window to hear a passerby driver call to you.

"You've got a flat tire, miss!" And then he was off.

With a frown, you stepped out in your dress and heels and all to take a look around your car. And they were right. But not only one tire was flat, two were.

There wasn't any way you could drive the car now. If it were just the one, you could change the tire yourself with the spare. But you only had one spare-- not two. So calling up a towing company was the best you could do. You did so and they said they'd be there in some time and until then, you just needed to find a ride back to the reception or to the airport to get Jungkook.

So you called Hobi back.

"What-- I can't hear you?"

"My car has to be towed, Hobi-- I can't go get Jungkook!" You were practically yelling over the phone but it seemed as if the music at the party was just far too loud.

"Oh-- towed? Shoot-- now what! Should I get Jungkook to get a taxi?"

"But I need a ride too!" Hobi sighed into the phone.

"Since you were going, I drank. I can't come to get you guys. I'll find someone who can and send them, okay? Can you wait a few minutes?" It was quieter now and it seemed as if he'd gone outside to escape the noise.

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