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"C'mon, we haven't all hung out together in ages, y/n," Jimin whined. You slid into your splits and rolled your eyes.

"We don't need to all hang out together."

"We're best friends." You smiled a sarcastic smile and he shook his head at you.

"You're my best friend and don't hang out with your girlfriend every second of the day." Jimin relaced his shoes. "He could learn a thing or two from you."

"They just started dating, bro-- give them a break." You sighed and shrugged. Sitting down against the mirror, you closed your eyes. "What the hell is going on with you two?"

"Nonthing, Jiminie-- we just aren't on the best of terms right now." Jimin let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Well, no shit."

"Remember how I asked you not to speak of him?" Jimin nodded. "Yeah, that hasn't expired yet."

"Yeah, yeah." Jimin stood and sighed, walking around the studio. "Where's Hobi hyung?"

"No idea."

"He told me about what happened with that guy." You glanced up. "Sorry, y/n."

"It's alright."

"Did you talk after?" You shook your head. "Good-- I'll just about lose my shit if I see his ass again."

"Thanks, Jiminie." He smiled and rolled out his neck. "How's jm/gf doing? You guys are about to have your anniversary soon, ri--"

"Y/N?" You winced at the deep voice. It made its way down the short hallway that existed just before it led into the studio area. You looked up as Taehyung stepped in. "Y/N?"


He held up a flyer and you frowned, squinting to see it. "What's this?"

"I don't know, you're fucking holding it." You stood and Jimin walked off to turn off your music before returning. "What is it?"

"Some experiment?"

"Oh-- for Jin. Yeah. What about it?"

He looked to Jimin. "Did you know about this, dude?" Jimin took the flyer and read it through as Tae turned back to you. "Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Why would I tell you--"

"Oh, yeah-- you texted me about this, right?" Jimin asked, scanning over the sheet. He laughed. "I said no."

"So why didn't you ask me, y/n?" Tae continued. You felt confronted like you'd done wrong as you took a step back for some space. Tae took one closer. Sensing how uncomfortable you were, Jimin took his friend's arm.

"I didn't see a reason to ask you?" you responded honestly. "You're with t/gf all of the fucking time anyway, Taehyung. When would you have time for a study?"

"I would've made the time if you'd asked me, y/n."

You laughed sarcastically. "You? Make time-- cut the shit, Tae, I've asked you countless times to work on our fucking painting and you blow me off nine times out of ten to be with t/gf."

"She's my fucking girlfriend!"

"That's my point, Tae!" You threw your arms up in exasperation. "Go ask to work with her for the study!"

"Is she taking part?" You rolled your eyes and turned away, going to gather your things.

"Yes? I don't know. She's in my class." Taehyung's arms dropped a little and you pulled your bag over your shoulder. Jimin opened his mouth to stop you from leaving but quickly decided against it.

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