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an// see!!! told you id post <3 first day of uni ever so eeek wish me the best if you're reading this! love you <3


The audience clapped and you and the group filed off to the side as the judges were left to murmur in front of the makeshift stage the gym floor had become. You headed out into the hall and threw your arms around Jimin.

"We did it!" you sighed, leaning all your body weight against him. He chuckled, leaning right back on you so your pressure was placed to the floor that you both dropped onto. "One of two dances done!"

"Yes, yes-- where were you before we went on, y/n?" Hoseok asked, helping you both to your feet. You and Jimin glanced at each other. "I was trying to ask you about-- ah, what was it? I forgot-- but anyway, I couldn't find you."

"Oh, well, I was late, I guess." Hoseok chuckled and shook his head. "Shouldn't we go back in and watch the rest of those performances?"

"We should!" The team leader clapped his hands together and everyone filed back into the gym. You grabbed his arm.

"I have to pee-- I'll be back soon?" Hoseok nodded and you waved to Jimin as he sighed, shaking his head at you. He slipped into the gym with everyone else, just as Jungkook slipped out. You smiled, raising your eyebrows. "How was I?" you asked him as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Great, noona, you were the cooelst." You laughed and began to head down the hall with him next to yo.u. "You have another dance too, right?"

"Mhm, my duet with Jimin-- you need to stay for that one, okay?" He nodded. "Are you accompanying me while I change?"

"Nothing I haven't seen before."

"I'm going to kick you in the balls."

"Maybe another action to that precious part of me would be greatly appreciat--" You shoved him away as he laughed, shaking his head. "Where are we going, noona?" he asked as you headed up the stairs. "Where did you change?"

"Just up here." He held the door open for you and you stepped by. "I'm gonna use the bathroom, though, so you head over there. I'll be just be a sec." Jungkook nodded and you skipped in the other direction to the bathroom, a little break before you headed back to the showcase.

Taehyung, who had received a text from Jimin, indicating that you were on your way back, was waiting at your spot to help you change back into your showcase outfit. But instead of being greeted by you, he was met with Jungkook instead.

"Oh," Jungkook sighed, eyebrows furrowing as he caught sight of Taehyung. "Hi."


"What are you doing here?" Taehyung's eyebrows raised at Jungkook's question, as if the answer were obvious.

"I'm helping y/n get changed for our showcase from the dance?" Jungkook's eyebrows raised slightly as well as he nodded slowly. You came rushing in then, breaking the tension between the boys.

"Oh, you're here already." You rushed to your bag where Tae had neatly folded your skirt and blouse. "Thanks, Tae."

"Yeah, no problem." You began to slip off your shoes first and looked up to see both boys still watching you.

"Guys? Look away?" They both turned in sync, Tae chuckling a little. A chuckle that came to a stop when Jungkook spoke.

"Nothing I haven't seen before," he repeated.

"Jungkookie!" You threw your sweatshirt at his back to which he simply laughed. You pulled on the blouse, straightening it out and tucking it in before asking them to turn back around. They did and Jungkook was first to approach you with his phone as a mirror, reading your mind. "Thank youuu."

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