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an// sorry for the lack of post yesterday! super busy with work :/


"Koo." You sighed as he squeezed tighter. "Koo, baby, up please."


"Jeon Jungkook." You pushed on his arm but he just rolled on top of you, crushing you with his weight. Running a hand through his hair, you called him some more. "Jungkookie, please wake up."

"Thirty m-is."

You let out a low laugh. "Thirty?"



He lifted his head from your chest, eyes hooded as he blinked at you. Licking his lips he started to lean back into you but you were quick to push him back with a finger to his forehead. He let out a guttural groan and moved his head away, only to slip under your hand to rest back against your neck. You sighed and kept your hands in his hair, letting him rest there.

"Mornin', noona."


"Make me b-kfast?" You rolled your eyes and shuddered as his lips moved against your neck as he spoke. "Tired."

"I know. I have class soon." He groaned again, holding you tighter, arms around your waist, the way they'd been the whole night. "You do too, don't you?"

"Envi-ntal sci," he mumbled, unable to even say the words properly or completely. You stroked his hair and he hummed, purring almost like a cat.

"We'll get up in fifteen minutes okay?" you asked, compromising. You could feel him smile against you. It made you smile. "Just fifteen."

"Thank you, noona." He leaned up to kiss your cheek. "Best ever."

"Mhm." He chuckled a little and locked your leg under his when you tried to move it. He enjoyed the warmth you radiated. "You didn't even pee last night, you know that? You were asleep by the time I'd come back."

He sighed. "Shit," he mumbled, barely caring.

"You normally do that when you fuck random chicks?" Jungkook stiffened above you and you frowned, turning your head to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothin'-- I always pee. Peeing is imorpt-nt. Peeing is fabulous." You smiled a little, kissing the side of his head. "Noona?"


"I love you." You turned.


"Not like that, noona-- we're just friends. I love you as a friend. Thank you for letting me do this with you?" You smiled and played with the chain that rested at the base of his neck.

"You're welcome for letting you have sex with me, Jungkook." He groaned, pressing his face into your neck. You laughed.

"Now it really makes me feel like I used you," he whined. You laughed and scratched the back of his neck. He sighed.

"So? What happened."

Jungkook took a second and pushed himself up, forearms on either side of your head as he hovered over you. You raised an eyebrow at the position but he just really wanted to look you in the eye. "Didn't feel anything special, noona."


"It was just her." He dropped right back on top of you and groaned. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he sighed into you.

"'s okay, Koo."

"I'm doomed, aren't I?"


"Feelin' better?" Jimin sniffled and nodded, rubbing his nose with a tissue. You patted his back and swung your legs and held your suitcase with one hand. Yawning, Jimin hopped onto the bench next to you, sitting with you.

just friends//kthWhere stories live. Discover now