Chapter 33: Rain

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I'm sorry for not keeping up with this story as well as I'd hoped, but this year is really kicking my butt. If you know what 11th grade is like, you'd understand. Haha.

Without further ado. Here is Chapter 33 of Royalty.


The pitter patter of rain filled the void in my ears—not the soft, relaxing droplets, but the hard, violent crashes of water that would sting my skin if I touched it. I stared out the window from where I sat against the couch in my chamber. With my head tucked into my knees I heaved a sigh.

My tears had dried.

I raised my head and peered out the balcony windows and watched the water splatter onto the stone floors. The gray clouds seemed never ending in the distance. The rain continued throughout the land conveying the feelings of this princess.

Rising from my place, I sauntered to the entrance of the balcony almost drunkenly and placed a hand on the pane of glass. It vibrated imperceptibly as the droplets of water hit it on the outside. Pulling the doors open, I stepped out into the balcony. Only stopping when I was out in the center, I let the rain fall on me without any cover. Water soaked through my soiled gown and through my skin seeming to chill me to the bone. I bore up into the sky and closed my eyes feeling the droplets trickle all over my body.

My cheek stung as the cold water rolled down it. My shoulder throbbed with pain. And my lip was clotted with a terrible bump on my mouth. I ran my tongue over the hardened blood and bit down on it. A metallic taste began to fill my mouth and I spit it out, watching the little pool of red dissipate into nothing. I could feel the warm crimson elixir running down my chin and my neck. Surely, it would stain my dress.

I lowered myself to the ground and leaned back against the railing. Bringing my knees to my chest, I buried my head into my knees and willed myself not to cry. I touched my lip. It came away with nothing.

I hate you. You bastard. Just go die. No one will ever need you—no one would even care if you were gone, you vile, serpent of a man.

I scowled into my arms. The rain fell steadily without hints of respite. It continued to beat down on my head with renewed force.

Perhaps, I could…accomplish that myself…?

I lift my head a bit as the idea appealed to me.

I could just do it myself…kill the Lord? I would be hanged for treason against Tyron, but would that be so bad?

Just then, images of Prince Auden flashed through my mind: The day we met, the sword fight, the secrets we shared, the trip to Creeyn—all those precious, precious memories. Surely, it would not feel that terrible to die with those beside me?

I could just take out the Lord like he planned for my brother. It would not be that hard to arrange for poison, then all I had to so was slip it into the Lord’s wine. Seemed perfect.

I smiled deviously. “Death by poison”

What if one day you lie dying from your wine one night, Lord Percy?

I suppose I could imagine the shock on his face—the surprise riddled countenance. Then, I would be found out. I would be taken to prison and most probably given the death sentence. And as I awaited my sentence, Prince Auden would come to see me. He would forgive me.

At least I would hope. But there would not be anything he could do to save me unless he became King before I died. Even then, I am positive that the people of Tyron would not approve, and Prince Auden would never go against his people.

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