Chapter 5: The Not So Good Morning

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When my carriage pulled up to the entrance of Tyron castle, I was greeted by a manservant who said that he was there to escort me to the Queen and the tailor. He led me down the halls and corridors until we came to the chamber in which Queen Larissa waited.

She greeted me with a hug, and I reluctantly hugged her back wondering why she had suddenly warmed up to me. She introduced me to the Tyron tailor and announced that she was going to make all of the dresses I would need for the ceremonies.

The tailor, whose name was Lillian, instructed me to undress behind the screen, so she could measure me for my first dress which was my engagement gown. After I had taken off my gown and stood in my undergarments, Lillian came behind the screen and began to roll her tape around me. She measured the length of my shoulders, arms, and legs and the size of my waist and chest.

After she was finished, she told me to dress and come and select the fabrics and styles.

I walked around the screen, fully clothed, and came to the table that was set with multitudes of cloths and laces. The Queen had already picked a few things she thought I would like.

Although we have not known each other for more than a day, she had already captured my taste in fashion.

My engagement gown was going to be a deep red silk, almost maroon, which was supposedly the color all women wear in their engagements in Tyron. The top of the dress would be strapless and fitted until the waist and from there on it would fall in ruffles. Diamonds would be studded all over it to add a bit of color contrast.

“What do you think?” Queen Larissa asked.

“It is a very good choice. I would have probably decided on that myself.” I smiled surprising myself. I guess the Queen was not as bad as her son.

Next came the wedding dress. It was going to be white, of course, with a big square neck. It will have long sleeves that flared at the wrist, a fitted waist with a pale green lace that would tie in the back, and a round, bell-shaped skirt. Tiny, green flowers the same color as the lace will dot the dress in different places.

Just imagining these dresses got me excited, and I began to wish so dearly that I was back in Creeyn, so I could enjoy this moment to the fullest. My smile turned bittersweet.

After we bade the tailor farewell and left her to her sewing, Queen Larissa and I ventured to TyronCastle’s garden. It was such a wide expanse that it looked more like a field than a garden. The grass stretched on lush and green into oblivion, and countless numbers of flowers bloomed in every which way. The trees slightly sagged making it all seem straight out of a dream. A pang of jealousy ran through me. I wish this was mine.

I heard a screeching noise coming from somewhere in the garden. “Do you hear that, your highness?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied. It must be Auden practicing. He usually does at this time of day. Let us greet him.” She glanced at me. It must have been to see my expression at hearing of the Prince. I could care less. I tried not to frown.

Soon, the dull screeching sharpened into the familiar clang of swords, and two figures came into view. One was undoubtedly the Prince. The other seemed to be a young man the same age as the Prince. They were laughing while they tried to subdue each other.

The Queen called out to them. They stopped sparring and came over to us bare-chested and dripping with sweat. A servant came out of the shadows and handed both men a towel.

The Queen gestured to the other man and introduced us, “This is Lord Erin, Prince Auden’s closest friend, and this is Princess Evelynn of Creeyn.”

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