Chapter 11

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Angel is a super excitable girl. I was wondering how I could bottle her energy and sell it. I could make a fortune off her endless bouncing. So far, I have gathered that her and her mom are part of my dad's pack. She also was just told how we were taken from our parents before we were born. She agrees with me when I told her I'm glad they found the birth mom dead. Her mom Fostina was with my mom during most of the surrogate issues. Her mom was my mom's close friend.

"So are you excited to go to school. It's only a few days away now"? Angel said as she was looking through her closet. She wanted to give me a dress that she thought I would look amazing in.

*I am very excited, u r my first friend, it will make this year better. *

Angel was reading my text and looked sad. "You have never had a friend"? I shook my head and typed her why.

*I could not talk, so most ppl thought I was a freak or uptight. *

After reading the text she said "Well it will be way different this time, you have me, and I'm sure you will make lots of friends especially when your able to mind link with anyone from the pack. Its way better then phones. We don't have dead zones and our service never gets dropped." She was laughing at her joke. But it was true I could not wait to be able to talk with anyone I wanted, well within our pack. It been only Jacob for so long. I hope he does not think I won't need him anymore because I do.

I was interrupted with my thoughts when Angel finally found the dress, she wanted to give me. She let out a scream of excitement and ran to me. She practically fell in my lap because she tripped over the mountain of clothes she had piled up.

I immediately put the dress on. Well after I helped Angel up. The dress was beautiful, it was a goddess dress it reminded me of a roman princess. It was not too fancy to ware to school and its light flows beautifully around my legs. It was a white one shoulder dress that was bunched and pleated. Under my breast was a gold braided cord. The back was low cut but not too low, it sat just at the bottom of my ribs.

I was staring at myself in her full-length mirror. I looked so different. I look all grown up and I finally felt beautiful. Angel came over and gave me a gentle hug. She said, "I will be the prettiest girl at school". I hugged her back as a thank you.

Afterward I took off the dress and set it aside so I could take it home later. I wanted to get back to talking about this werewolf thing.

*so back to WW, did u know you were always one of them? *

*did it hurt when you changed? *

*what other things are different now? *

Angel read all the text, and then said "Yes I grew up in the pack, I knew from a young age. We learn early how to use our excellent hearing and physical abilities, yes it hurt the first few times but now it doesn't. It's a tolerable pain, and kind of feel like you popped your finger joints but over your entire body. When you first turn, your clumsy and bigger, our wolves are larger than normal wolves. That's why they lock us up the first time. Alpha Richard was getting tired of broken furniture and windows. Plus, the boys get hungry and tend to kill cows and stuff." she said this all fast and shuddered when she said the boys eat cows, because they can't control the hunger at first. Angel was being so nice helping me understand all of this.

She took a long breath in and continued. "Just before you become a wolf your hearing changes and sometimes the way you look. Oh, my goodness I got brighter eyes and my blond hair was even lighter. Overnight it looked like I had soaked in bleach. I had to tell humans I knew that I got my hair done and got contacts". Angel was stroking her long blond locks. I can tell she loves her hair. "My wolf is blond as well; I love running and I can hear even better as a wolf. I have amazing sight in the dark and its feels so wonderful, like I'm one with nature. You will love it".

I don't know if I will love it, I will certainly have to get used to it though.

I could tell my hearing was getting better and I already noticed my hair had changed. But my birthday is still over a week away. Angel did say she only noticed the changes a few days before her birthday. I wonder if it was a twin thing. Maybe for us we will have changes sooner. I wonder how Jacob was doing. He looked the same when I talked to him this morning.

*Jacob POV *

Ever since Saturday night I kept myself locked in my room. Finding out Mr. and Mrs. Carter were our parents was unreal. I was excited but then I was angry. Why did it have to take so long to find us and when they did. Why did they wait nearly three years to tell us? Did they think we would run away?

I'd never run away. Penny is far too happy here and her happiness and safety are my number one concern. She means everything to me. I have a wonderful bond with her. But if we are werewolves and soon, she can communicate with the pack using their mind link, then what use will she have for me. I was the one she talked to; I was the one that comfort her when she had nightmares.

I made a mess of my room; my lamp lay shattered on the floor and there was glass all over the place. Not to mention the dried blood on my carpet from the cuts on my foot. I don't care enough to clean it up I just kept walking over it. Not caring it was slicing my feet. After a while I noticed that cuts only bleed for a few seconds then it seems to heal and push any broken glass that might have been in my foot out. The first time I watched my skin heal was shocking and amazing. This had to be a werewolf thing. I intended to find out more.

I took a larger chunk of broken ceramic and dragged a gash along my bare thigh. The first time I just made a scratch, and it heals within a few seconds. The second time I went deeper. I made a large gash on my thigh and blood started to poor out. It was not heeling like the scratch did. I started to panic. I was worried I was going to bleed out. Why did I insist on harming myself? I grabbed a shirt from the floor and wiped some of the blood off. It was then I noticed it closing. A gash that large took about five minutes to heal. This was amazing.

I then punched a hole in my wall, several times. I was trying to break my hand. I wanted to see how long it took to fix itself. After the fourth punch to my wall I could hear my bones snap. My fingers were twisted and bent in unimageable angles. I sat on my bed and waited. The pain was bearable. None of the damage I caused to my own body hurt much. It was comparable to a tooth ache. Just an annoying pain.

I sat on my bed for about thirty minutes watching my hand. The pain was worsening, and I was not noticing anything happening yet. About five minutes later I saw my hand crack and bend and snap itself into place. Soon after I was able to move all but two fingers they had healed in the wrong place. I figured out from that experience that some of our healing needs to be guided so bones are in the correct placement. I had to re-break my two fingers, my ring finger and my middle finger.

Grabbing one at a time I snapped them then pulled them straight. Within fifteen minutes they were fully healed, and I was able to move my entire had with no pain or difficulty. I had thought about dismemberment but I was pretty sure we could not grow back a finger, and even though I'm willing to cut myself and break my own bones I'm not willing to cut off my own body parts. Not even for the sake of knowledge. I'd just ask dad later. Oh, yea he is my dad. I forgot for a while.

After spending all this time in my room, I concluded that no matter what happens between myself and Penny I will always love and protect her. I feel bad now for abandoning her for the last few days. I was going to try and make it up to her tomorrow. Maybe make her a nice breakfast. Then spend some time with her and tell her what I discovered. And that I was not to mad I just got carried away with experimenting on myself. And trying to come to the realization that we are a real family now.

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