Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Bobby and I walked in silence down the schools hallways and out to the waiting limo. David was waiting there and opened the door for us to enter. I looked around and wondered why Jacob was not with us; my dad must have known what I was thinking because he spoke up.

"Jacob will be fine. I do not need to take him from class because his life is not in danger." Dad said sadly. Danger what danger, suddenly Bobby was holding me in his lap very protectively. I gave him a week smile and looked back at my dad. Almost as if on cue he knew what I was thinking again.

"Robert is here for added protection, mates are very protective. Besides he will help keep you calm as well." Dad informed me. Bobby held me tighter in his lap. I knew Bobby would not be leaving my sight any time soon. I don't think I wanted him to leave though anyways. I felt so attached to him at the moment. It feels as though we have known each other for years. The mate bond must do this for us.

We remained quiet until we reached our home. David opened the car door for us as we exited the limo.

"Good day Mr. Carter, Miss Massy and Mr. Fallen." We nodded when our name was said, Fallen must be Bobby's last name, why was it now I had just learned this information. How did I not even ask what his last name was? I was beginning to think I was a lame girl friend slash mate.

'No sweetheart you were just too busy to ask that is all.' Bobby said to me in my mind. I was to preoccupied to worry about him reading my mind at the moment to complain about him doing so.

"David would you please stay close to the house, I do not want any unwanted visitors. You know what I'm talking about." Dad spoke to David the limo driver, and I also think personal guard. David stood next to the front door with his chest poking out and his broad shoulders back with hands behind his back. He was standing guard all right. He was so big I would be scared to come near him if I had not already known him.

We walked into the living room where I saw mother sitting on one of the love seats. Her head was hung low and she held her hands in her lap. She looked scared and worried. I ran over to her untangling my hands from Bobby's on the way. I hugged her tight when I reached her. Bobby had walked fast staying close behind me. Thank goodness she was ok I was so worried she was hurt. But now that I knew she was ok I had to find out what was going on and why I was taken out of school, along with Bobby.

I released mom from my tight embrace and sat on the couch across from her. Bobby joined me and my father sat next to my mother. I sat for a few minutes waiting for my father to speak up but when he did not I made the first move.

'Father what is this all about?' I asked him using our link.

"I got some very disturbing news over an hour ago and I had to take you out of class for your own safety. I'm not worried about Jacob just yet. But I will inform him when he is out of class. He has a strong wolf and can fight well." Dad spoke out loud.

'I don't understand why am I in danger. What happened and why is Bobby here?' I asked daddy.

"He is here because he can protect you and it also has something to do with him as well so it makes sense to have him here." Dad said rather bluntly. Bobby scooted closer to me after hearing this. Mother stayed quiet and just held on to dad as he talked to us.

"Someone is trying to harm you to get to the pack and destroy is, at least that what I think the motive is? Your wolf is very powerful with her mind reading abilities." Dad explained, he took a breath and continued.

"The nature of you and your brother's birth is very different, you guys were the very first test tube werewolves ever to be born, that alone makes you very important, but the other factors weigh in as well. The fact that you remained werewolf even though we were not sure it would work because the birth mother was not a werewolf, and the fact that you are yin yang twins with you wolf being strong in the mind and Jacobs strong in the body." He took a breath and started again. I held onto Bobby's had while daddy talked.

"Yin yang twins are rare. They have some of the eldest werewolves as there wolf. They usually become very strong and powerful and are of a great help to their packs." Dad stopped and I tried to take this all in.

'So someone is after me because my wolf can read minds and Jacob and I are rare twins. Ok what about Bobby? What does he have to do with this?' I asked dad while looking at him in his eyes. They seemed to hold sadness. It looked like he was withholding information.

"Bobby is his nick name." Dad said. 'Yes of course I know this. So?' I said sarcastically.

"Your mate is names after his father, Robert Fallen. He was one of my most trusted members and beta, but he was killed when we were searching for the surrogate that was pregnant with you and Jacob." I turned and looked to Bobby. I was the reason his father was dead. I could not help but feel responsible. How could he begun to love me after he found out this information?

I started to cry, and Bobby tried to calm me down but I did not want him to. He should not want too; I was the reason why he grew up without a father. Jacob and I were the reason. How could he possibly still want me after this? I did the only thing I could think of and that was to run to my bed room.

I must have been overly emotional because I changed into my wolf on the way up the stairs to my room. I did not miss steps ether. But I shredded my clothes in the process. Small pieces of fabric lay scattered on the stairway. I had changed so seamlessly it came so easy this time. I opened my bed room door with my teeth and entered my room. I locked the door using my paws to slide the latch over.

I trotted over to my bed and jumped on. I curled myself into a ball and just laid there. I could hear footsteps getting closer to my room.

"Sweetheart are you alright?" I heard my mother say. I gave her a single bark letting her know I could hear her and that I was in my room.

"Pen you need to come out we have more to talk about I was not finished, why did you run? Why are you in wolf from?" Daddy asked me. I was not going to reply, beside I'd have to change back if I wanted to communicate. But I was much happier at the moment in this form. My wolf was calming me down.

"Sweetheart why did you run from me what's wrong? Let me help you." Bobby said through my door. He sounded upset and sad. But why should he be sad? He should hate me. I would not expect anything less than for him to leave me and reject me as his mate.

"She can't talk to you while in wolf form her wolf is mute in her mind, but her wolf body can speak, that is why she can bark. Her wolf however can read minds and tell her thing but she only does it sometimes." My dad informed Bobby.

"Well why can't we just break down her door, don't you have a key? Why won't she just change back?" Bobby was loud and clearly upset.

"Robert calm down, she will change and come out when she is ready, she is on the second floor and there is no way into that room unless through that door." Dad yelled at Bobby.

"Then I will stand guard at her door until she decides to come out. Can she still here me when I speak out loud? Bobby informed and asks my dad. I just continued to sit on my bed and cry. Why doesn't he just leave already, and spare my heart.

"Yes son she can hear you, weather she chooses to listen is another thing all together." Dad said. Then I heard two sets of feet walking away. That only means Bobby is still standing outside my door.

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