Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Richard Carter POV *

I was announcing my children to my pack tonight and I could not be any prouder in this moment. As we waited, I looked to my pack. We were a large pack, and I was excited to have my children join me by my side. Joann took Penny to one of our many trees that have hidden clothes to change. Since she could not talk in wolf form her introduction would be made in human form.

I know Penny and Jacob will be well received in the pack; they must be, after all I am the alpha. I will kick anybody's ass that messes with my children, especially Penny. Penny came around the trees with Joann looking just like her mother at that age even if she was wearing clothes that were too big. I guess we do need to put female clothing out here to hide; those sweatpants and oversized t-shirt do not do her justice.

I let out a very loud howl gaining the attention of my pack, calling them to order.

"We are here to formally introduce our son and daughter". I could hear whispers and sounds of confusion from the pack staring back at me, but I kept on with my speech. I would explain everything to them in time.

"Our children were stolen from us a long time ago and no one in the pack knew of this but a select few. Because of the situation we had to keep them a secret. But they are here with us now and we are very grateful for this". When I spoke my voice commanded authority. And my pack listened.

"My daughter Penny", I looked to her as she waved to the crowd of wolfs "And my son Jacob". Turning to him in acknowledgment, Jacob raised his head proud. "They are our twins and have just turned sixteen".

"This is their first run with the pack. You might be wondering why Penny is in human form, well she is unable to use her mind link while in wolf form, we are not sure how this happened, but it did. Her wolf is one of the originals from a time us werewolves have forgotten, and comes with some differences then other wolves."

My pack did not need to know all the details if they wanted to know Penny could tell them if she wanted to. I walked in front of both my children. I stood Infront of Jacob first. They knew what I was going to do so they didn't flinch. I Put my head near Jacobs left shoulder between his head and bit down just enough to puncture the skin with my canine teeth. He was now a member of my pack. I did the same for Penny, but she lowered her neck to me some and I was a gentile as I could and still leave a successful mark. Licking her skin, it healed immediately. This link to the pack now gave the twins the ability to mind link anyone in our pack.

"And now I am sending them out to meet each one of you, so you know them and recognize their scents. Greet them as you would family". I let out a howl and nudged my children forward. *

Dad introduced us to his pack, well my pack now, I guess. The bite didn't hurt at all. It was hot and felt like when I got my ears pierced. But it left four marks one from each sharp canine tooth and healed almost instantly when he licked it. It was kind of weird to get licked my your dad in a wolf form. After he nudged us forward, I walked into the crowd of wolves. I greeted each one with a smile. They were huge, most were larger than me. Werewolves are two to three times larger than normal wolves. Most stood taller than myself, it was intimidating even though I knew they would never harm me or Jacob. Dad would have their head if they tried.

I walked through the crowd of fluffy bodies. So many color variations, they were all so beautiful. As I walked by them some put out their paws for me to shake or touch as they didn't have hands, others bowed their head. I gave many a gentile rub. There fur was soft as silk. I must have walked through hundreds of them. I took in their scents trying to remember all of them. I had no idea what they would look like as a human or how old they were. I will need the scents to know them in public.

As I walked along one of the wolves, I touched shocked me. Little charges of electricity tingled my fingers and shot up my arm. He was a huge red hair wolf. His brown eyes were like that of milk chocolate. He stared at me, but I kept walking forward. I think it was static electricity that shocked me. There were many wolves out here and it could have caused the charge. It was slightly pleasant though, not like a carpet shock. It made my heart race with delight.

I made my way through the group and back around to my parents and Jacob. I looked back over the crowd, and I could no longer see that red wolf. I strangely missed looking into his milk chocolaty eyes. Mom walked me back to the tree I had changed at. Before I changed back into my wolf, I had asked her about it.

"Mom while walking through the pack one of them shocked me but it was a pleasant shock not painful. What was that"? I asked her.

"Oh, that's nothing to worry about it sometimes happens. Now change back so we can start our run back home". Mom said to me. I tried not to read into what she said, and hoped it was nothing, but I still couldn't get his eyes out of my mind.

*Mrs. Carter POV*

After the run tonight I needed to talk to my husband about what Penny mentioned to me. It was an amazing ceremony, and our children were well received by our community. Our pack is so large I knew there was a chance my children might meet their mate tonight or soon after. But I had not imagined it happening so soon.

"Richard dear tonight I think Penny found her mate, when I took her back to the tree to change and put the clothes back, she told me about a wolf that gave her tingles when she ran her fingers through his fur". I was panicky. And Richards face remained blank. So, I continued to speak to him.

"Richard say something!" I demanded.

"She just turned sixteen and we have only recently got them back. I don't want to lose her yet." Richard face grew a smile.

"We won't lose her, honey don't think like that, think of it as gaining a son". He used his sexy grin on me. "Remember it's an amazing thing when you find your soul mate, I can remember the very day I met you. Don't worry about her she will be fine". He continued to convince me.

"But I am not ready to lose my little girl she my baby". I was whining, trying to make my point but I am sure I just looked like an overprotective mother. After all I knew the young man, she spoke of, and he was a good boy.

"Who was the lucky young man Penny met"? Richard asked me.

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