Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

After having lunch with Angel her mom and my mom at her home, we said our goodbyes and left for our ride back to our home. The ride was mostly quiet. Mom was talking about how Angel's mom Fostina told her daughter all she knew about me and Jacob. Fostina was a longtime friend of my moms, and she was the one that she trusted. That way we could become better friends. This helped me to be able to talk to Angel about something If I did not want to go to my mom. But now that I have a mom and she is in fact my real mom. I don't want to keep any secrets I want full disclosure.

We were home in no time at all. I wanted to tell Jacob all about Angel and Fostina and everything I learned. I just hope he was in a good mood. I made my way upstairs towards his room. It was about 4pm now and I was feeling tired. I was also starting to get a headache. That's strange I thought to myself, just hour ago I felt great.

I knocked on Jacob's door and waited for him to open it. When he did, I was shocked at what I saw. He was covered in dried blood. He was in a white under shirt and had on black pants. His white socks were also stained with dried blood. His short hair was messy and had flakes of blood in it to.

"What the hell happened to you Jacob you look like you were in a fight and lost". I mentally asked my brother.

"Oh, well I have a few things to tell you, but first come in and sit." Jacob was not using his mind link with me. And he seemed excited. Wow that is a huge change in his attitude. I cautiously made my way to his bed and took a seat on his black comforter. Of course, its black what else should I expect. I looked around his room and noticed much more blood was on random clothing that laid on his floor. I also noticed all the dirty dishes and trays that we had been bringing him.

"Jacob what the H -E double hockey sticks did you do, everything is covered in blood, are you so upset that you tried to kill yourself". I was scared and shacking now. Jacob sat next to me, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He made me feel warm and comfortable.

"No, way sis I don't want to die, are you kidding me I feel more alive now than I ever have." I gave him a puzzled look and he turned towards me. Making me look up at him. I could tell in his eyes he was not lying; he had no death wish. So why was their so much blood.

"I was testing my wolfs abilities, I wanted to see what we were capable of. You see I cut myself shaving and before I had a chance to put a dab of tissue on it, I was healed already." I looked at him like he was crazy. But let him continue.

"I had thought being a werewolf would give us the power to heal faster and I wanted to test my theory epically after I cut myself shaving. So, I used my razor to make a few cuts on my arm and they healed within minutes". I was wide eyed now. Did he really slice himself just to see if he could heal faster? My brother is crazy.

"No and I'm not crazy". He said that like he read my mind. "No, I can't read your mind I just know you that well". He started to laugh at me. And he said he was not crazy, yea right. Note my sarcasm.

"Ok, so I found out small cuts can heal fast like in minutes. But large gashes or big open wounds take about an hour, and broken bones take a few hours, but make sure they are set right first, or they heal wrong".

"OMG you broke your own bones to test that theory. Are you crazy? Why didn't you just go ask dad what superhuman powers we have"?

"They are not superhuman they are super wolf powers, and I was having too much fun doing this on my own, besides I needed time to cool down and figure everything else out. We had a lot to take in from all that information they gave us on Saturday."

"Yea we also can hear better see in the dark and have an amazing since of smell, and I could smell you as I was walking up the stairs". I joked with him, although now that I thought about it, he did smell, I was just about to suggest to him that he go take a shower. When suddenly my head started to hurt like a hot metal rod was shot through my brain. It hurt so bad I closed my eyes and fell to the floor holding my head with my hands.

Om my god what's happening. This was the worst headache I have ever had. It was a migraine times ten. I curled into the fetal position and tried to steady my breathing so I could stay calm and wait out the sharp pain that was killing me. After what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. I was able to open my eyes. That's when I saw Jacob on the floor in the same position, I was in. Was he having the same pain as me or was he feeling my pain?

Sometimes he could feel my pain. But this time it looked as though he was having his own brain melt down while I was having mine. After a few more minutes had gone by. I was able to lay out flat and move a little bit, but I kept my eyes close. When I was finally able to get up Jacob was getting up as well.

"Are you okay Penny? Did you just have a headache from hell also"? He asked me through our mind link. I shook my head yes, but that movement made me nauseous. So, I said "Yes. Are you okay"? I answered then asked him. But the sound of my voice was so loud, making my ears and headache even more. Within a few minutes my eyes had adjusted, and Jacobs room was bright. When did more lights get turned on? Looking through my eyes was like watching a high-definition television. What the heck is going on?

We both laid on his floor for what seemed like ages our bodies drained of all its energy. My head was mildly aching, but my body was weak. Jacob yelled out to mom and dad for help.

"Mom, Dad help us"! He screamed, and it made my head pound, I winced at the sound but that was all I could do. We waited and a few minutes later mom came rushing in first then dad. The door slammed and hit the wall bouncing off it.

"OH NO it is happening already"! Mom yelled. She gasped and was holding her hand to her face in shock. When dad realized what was going on, he snapped mom out of her trance.

"JOANN" he snapped, "Get to Penny quickly, check her and I will check on Jacob." Mom came over to me and looked into my eyes and felt my skin with the back of her hand. What was going on. I had to strength to ask Jacob. And by the looks of Jacob, he had no strength of his own. He just laid there while dad looked him over, the same way she as doing to me.

Someone must have called David using the link because he was the next one to enter Jacobs room. He lifted me up and carried me like a baby, he was taking me somewhere. Mom followed David. I could hear dad carrying Jacob, he was slung over dads' shoulder.

"David" dad called out, "Take my children to the rooms, and quick before they change".

Change what did he mean. We were not supposed to change till our birthdays and that's over a week from today. We haven't even started school yet. What's happening to me. I started to drift asleep.

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