Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Jacob sat on his bed sipping his still hot coffee. He was looking towards his window in a daze when he spoke up. "When I followed Angel through the woods, I had no idea it would lead to the end of her life. She was only a year older than us and now she's gone. I can't believe she's gone. How can a father kill let alone harm their own child?" I shook my head with my own discuss over the issue. I was going to miss her. She was my first friend ever and even if that last day was weird, I know knew it wasn't her fault.

'You had no idea this would happen. But please try not worry. I had seen what you saw and I know that there was nothing you could have done. He moved to fast and there was no way you could run to her fast enough. You had no idea he was going to hit her, let alone so hard it could kill her.' I told him. I was still holding his other hand, gently rubbing circles on his hand trying to reassure him.

"Wait how did you see it happen you weren't there?" He said in disbelief.

'When you were sitting on the floor and used our link to tell me what happened it somehow turned into a vision or a picture in my head. Through your eyes I saw what happened. Father thinks it is one of our gifts because we are the yin yang twins.' I explained to him.

'He thinks you will have a gift as well.' I told him. 'I apparently can see people's thoughts like how I saw Angle it was as if I was watching a movie, what you saw I could see. I could hear what she said.'

"I don't even remember telling you anything; all I remember is coming home, and then passing out." Jacob said looking pained.

I was rubbing circles on his hand still, and then I suddenly felt like I was dreaming with my eyes open, my head felt light and drifting. I saw a beautiful girl with black hair and the most beautiful purple eyes. Then all of a sudden I was shaken awake from my day dream of sorts.

"Penny what happened your eyes just turned black?" Jacob said to me. Just as he spoke Bobby rushed into room slamming the door agents the wall in his haste. Dad was following close behind. I turned looking at Bobby wondering what was going on.

"Penny what happened? Your emotions were off. You just felt gone I couldn't feel you at all like you disappeared. I felt as though you were in danger." Bobby said making his way towards me. Looking at Jacob he was confused. He sat next to me on Jacobs's bed and dad stood over all of us.

"Her eyes went black, even the whites, it only lasted a few seconds but they were so dark and she was not responding. Just sitting there still and not moving." Jacob told everyone. I just looked at each of them, puzzled.

'I don't know what happened, I felt like I was daydreaming I kind of zoned off for a second. I could see someone in my mind. But I don't know who she was.' I told everyone. Dad asked me what she looked like.

'She was so pretty, she had long black hair and the most beautiful purple eyes. I've never have seen eyes that color before.' I told everyone. Jacob eyes suddenly went wide. So did fathers. Even Bobby seemed to know who I saw. They all looked at each other and I felt like I was missing something here.

'Who is she?' I asked the men in the room with me.

"That's Heather. You described her to a tee. She's part of the pack and goes to your school." Dad told us. Bobby was nodding, agreeing to what father was saying.

"She is also my mate." Jacob let out, not realizing he said it out loud. Our heads turned towards him in unison. My brother found his mate and never told me I gave his arm a playful hit. Like saying what the hell you didn't even tell me you met her. How long as he known I thought to myself.

"How long have you known about who your mate is?" Dad asked him.

"I have known since you introduced us to the pack, I knew as soon as I laid eyes on her. But with everything going on with Penny I did not want to get mixed up with some girl. I need to take care of my sister." I frowned hearing this. He was rejecting his mate all because he felt he needed to take care of me.

"That's not your job its mine and her mates." Dad said to my brother. "You need to be with your mate, does she know you know?" Dad added. Bobby took me in his arms and held me tight. Jacob looked lost and upset he just looked down and shook his head.

'What does his mate have to do with any of this? I don't even know why I saw her.' I said kind of loud in my mind not blocking my thoughts at all. I need to learn to control my powers so I don't see things I don't need to, I thought to myself.

"She might not have anything to do with anything other than that your brother's wolf needs his mate. Now that his wolf knows who she is he yearns for her." Dad said to all of us. "And you probably saw her because your brother needs her and your gift is helping you to help him. At least that's what I think. We need to do some testing and see how your gift works Penny." Dad said to us.

"What's my gift or power?" Jacob asked looking and dad and I.

"I don't know son, we will just need to try different things and see what happens, and you may not even have a gift. We just need to wait and see." Father told Jacob.

"How about we go down stairs to get some breakfast, I'm sure everyone is hungry. I don't think any of us have eaten in a while. Am I Right?" Bobby suggested to all of us. We all agreed. In fact I can't even remember what or when I ate last. We all walked down stairs to where mom was making breakfast. I haven't seen mom cook since we first moved in. Jacob has been cooking ever since mom and dad learned he was so good at it and enjoyed it so much. Mom was making French toast with fresh fruit and eggs on the side.

We all took our turns getting coffee and taking our seats at the table. It seemed we all needed the extra jolt this morning. I'm not sure how many cups Jacob had has so far, but he may be bouncing off the wall later. The thought of that made me smile. Bobby asked me why I was smiling and I told him. He laughed as well.

"I'm not going to bounce off the walls you guys this is only my second cup. I have had way more than this before." Jacob suddenly said to all of us.

'How do you know that's what I was talking about?' I asked Jacob. Now mom and dad were listening to us and were just as interested as I was.

"Oh I can't read a mind if that's what you were thinking; I just know how my sister thinks." Jacob said. Oh he must think he's funny I thought to myself. I was hoping mind reading was going to be his gift.

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