Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Alpha Dillion and his Beta Arthur made their way to the fighting ring towards my brother. They stood side by side in a ready fighting stance. He stood in the middle waiting. Jacob didn't even look phased from the first fight. They were going to go at him head on and all at once and not from opposite sides. I think they wanted to see what he would do with two at the same time. Jacob is fast on his feet and creative in his fighting. They stayed in human form and ran towards my brother. Dillion went high with his claws extended towards Jacob. Arthur went low. Arthur dove down towards his legs, he tried swiping with his claws extended to claw at his thigh. But my brother jumped over him up high in the air and summersaulted down and slid passing under Dillions launch. Dillion flew over Jacob not expecting his movements to be so fast. Jacob bounded like a spring uncoiling and spun around sending a flying kick into the middle of Arthurs back knocking him to the ground and knocking the wind out of him. Arthur was slo to recover from that hit. Dillion quickly turned after he missed the first attack and grabbed my bothers arm swinging him off balance and managed to pull him down landing him on the ground. with his other hand in a fist, he landed punch to my brothers face. But my brother quickly recovered, while on his back he sent a power punch to Dillion's gut upwards into his lungs knocking him to the side from Jacob. Dillion let out a grunty gasp.

Arthur recovered from the wind knocking out of his lungs, he rolled over and sprung to his feet. He ran towards Jacob and Dillion and his claws sliced into Jacob's thigh, slicing through his pants leg leaving a claw marks gaping wide and bleeding. He would be quick to heal but it was still messy. Jacob took his fist to punch into the back of Arthurs neck just below his skull nearly the same time that his claws had gone through his legs. Arthur collapsed to the ground and passed out from the shear force of my brothers punch to his neck. I'm pretty sure it was the location of the attack that made him pass out. This made Arthur out of the fight. Now Jacob just had to deal with Alpha Dillion.

Dillion was sending fist after fist into Jacob, but he was fast and dodged all of them. Dillion looked angry. None of his punches landed on my brother he dodged all of them, and Jacob wasn't hitting back. This looked like it frustrated the Alpha. This lasted a long time. Dillion looked like he was getting tired. He kept trying to punch and send flying kicks at him, but Jacob dodged them all. They constantly moved around the ring. Jacob hadn't landed a hit to Dillion again, but he also was not getting hit back. It was like a video game match and all the players kept missing each other because they were both too fast all while staying in the ring. This lasted for a long time, I could tell they were both tired now even my brother was getting wore out. After all this was a longer fight then he was used to. Alpha Dillion was a formattable fighter, and probably the strongest wolf my brother ever had to practice with. Dillion was a strong fighter and matched for him.

Once Arthur came too, he left the ring; he was out of the fight now because he was knocked out. This fight didn't look like it was going to end. Suddenly Jacob decided to do something different then just dodging blows. He did some fancy flips in the air up and over Dillion, surprising him, it was like watching an Olympic gymnast flying, he landed behind him. Quickly he turned sent a flying kick at Dillions back that it threw him out of the ring. It knocked Dillion several feet backwards sliding him out of bounds. This match seemed to be almost bloodless but also very tiring for both.

Father walked over to the three of them and pats Jacob on the back. "Good job son, you did well. Dillion what did you think?" He asked him. Dillion was panting and sweating, trying to catch his breath. My bother was also winded but not as much as the Alpha.

"He's good I had to actually work during this fight. He is very light on his feet and agile, fast, and creative." Dillion pants. "He still needs work on styles and possibly more training, but I'd say he is possibly as good as I am, and he knocked out my Beta in the first five minutes. His healing ability and pain control makes him a fighter with a huge advantage." Dillion said smiling and out of breath.

I think that's the best Dillion could say considering he lost to a sixteen-year-old boy, this was his way of complementing my brother without hurting his own pride. My father was beaming, I knew Jacob was happy with himself, but he wasn't gloating. He just looked strong and unphased next to father.

"He needs to strength train and build muscle, but he's going to make one hell of an Alpha and a fighter." Dillion added. I just stood next to Bobby and Heather. We just watched the exchange. It was hard just to stand around not being able to talk like a normal person.

"Ok, now that I have seen what the kids can do I want to show you what I brought with us. Our historian found some books and Id like to show them to you. Shall we go back into the house?" Alpha Dillion suggested using his shirt to wipe the sweat of his brow. Arthur handed him a clean shirt and put a new one on as well.

We all walked in back to the house and into dad's office. There was a different man in there this time. He was sitting with mom waiting for us to finish. Dillion introduced him as Barnett. His chief historian. He had him searching the massive libraries as soon as dad told him he was interested in werewolf magic.

"Sweetheart why don't you send for Mary or Martha to get some cold refreshments for everyone." Mom suggested to daddy. Then we all took our seats in the office. The Y boys came back and stood off to the sides. They left after the first fight to get cleaned up.

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