Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Oh my goodness I'm so excited. I did not sleep nearly enough last night. I may need a cup of coffee and I don't even like coffee. I hope the adrenaline will keep me going. The last thing I need is to fall asleep on the first day of school.

Over the weekend we had a small party for mine and Jacobs sixteen birthdays. Jacob and I got new cars for our birthday. Mom and dad asked us if we wanted a huge party or our own cars. Of course we choose cars. I chose a new 2020 Jeep Gladiator in candy apple red. Jacob chose a 2020 Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab. Angel and her mom joined us for ice cream. After dinner I made arrangements with Angel to pick her up for school. Mom thought it was a waste for Jacob and me to take two different cars to school so we decided to take turns.

The first day of school Angel was going to pick us up because we have not even seen the school yet. I woke up at six in the morning. I just could not stay in bed any longer. I opened my curtains to let in the light. Black out curtains, were of no use to me anymore since my eye sight has improved. I can see in the dark now so what's the point in having them. I texted Angel to see if she was up yet.

* Hey r u awake yet

While I waited for her response I decided to shower and do my hair. I decided to let it dry naturally this time. Since my birthday my hair has become thicker and shinier. Mom was right; my hair was the only thing to change. After I dried off I had to pick out something to wear. I used to never be so vain. I was lucky to get hand me downs from the older kids in the foster homes we used to live in. But mom was in the process in proving we were her children. She wanted us to have what we never got to growing up.

I picked out one of my skinny jeans in black and decided on a light gray long sleeve top that sat off my shoulders. It had a slight shimmer to it. I decided on a black lacy bra and panties set. To make it all pop I added my own flare, my shiny red ballet flats. They look just like Dorothy's shoes; they reminded me that there was no place like home. I always had to add some kind or originality. I can't match everything like mom would like me too. I checked my phone and finally got a message back from Angel.

* Pen its way 2 early. I will be at your house by 8

Well I guess I will go and see if mom and dad were up. I walked down stairs with my new bag. Mom got it for me from a woman in our pack that makes custom book bags. It was getting close to eight, and I knew Angel would be here soon. I grabbed a bagel from the refrigerator and toasted it. Yum blueberry bagels with blueberry cream cheese. We get it from a local bakery.

Mom and dad sat at their table sipping coffee.

"Are you ready for your first day at your new school, the eleventh grade will be different from the ninth, it's not every day kids skip a grade." Mom asked me.

'I'm so excited I can hardly keep the excitement inside, this year will be amazing I just know it.' I was beaming from ear to ear. Dad smirked over and me with a knowing face. I had talked to him about my mate. I asked dad because mom was so scared of loosing me. Dad told me his name was Robert. But I knew this because I overheard mom and dad talking. But I did not want dad to know I was ease dropping. Dad said he would not tell me what Robert looked like because he wanted me to find him naturally. He also told me not to forget that school comes first and if my grades slipped because of a boy id lose my car and dating privileges.

I found it funny that he said dating privileges, because so far I have never dated anyone. I mean after all I have only ever had one friend and that was Angel. I mean what if I did not like Robert, or what if he didn't like me. Anything can happen he said and I just had to wait it out. He said a good wolf is a patient wolf. I said that was very Yoda of him.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Jacob stomp down the stairs two at a time. Just like any day Jacob had on black, this time though he had torn black jeans and a button up black shirt that he had kept unbuttoned with a white undershirt. I think he was going for the hard look. It's not like he had to impress anyone, or was he trying to.

Just as he made it to the kitchen Angel pulled up and honked her horn. She had a small car it was a newer car one of those hybrids. Jacob wanted to take his truck but he agreed to go with us just for today but he would rather drive us in his truck. Something about looking like a geek in a hybrid and not having enough leg room. Angel made him sit in the back. She said a real man lets a lady sit up front. Jacob retorted with if you see one let me know.

The ride to the school consisted of me and Angel yakking away, though we had to use our pack link, Jacob blocked us out. To anyone driving by it looked like two girls just smiling away and a bored boy sitting in the back seat. It took nearly twenty minutes to reach school. We pulled up to an empty parking spot.

I was getting nervous now. Of all the times to get nervous it had to be now. But I put on a smile and got out. I walked over to Angel and we walked into the school together. They were handing out schedules near the office. When we got ours we compared them and we happened to have all the classes together but the first one. First period we would have to be separate. My first class was trigonometry. I love math it was one of my favorites. I left Angels protective side and walked to my first class.

I don't know what I was going to expect but this class was full of loud teenagers. When I walked through the doors everyone stopped and looked at me like I was a freak. The teacher looked up and greeted me. Her smile quickly disappeared.

"I'm Mrs. Clark take a seat where ever you can find one." She said so dryly. Did she not like teaching or something, I mean why be so mean? I have a card I make for days like this all it says on it is (I'm mute). I handed it over to her; she looked at it then looked at me.

"Yea I was informed about you, whatever you still have to participate. I expect you to come to the board and do any work that is expected, do you understand?" I no longer liked math class anymore. She was dull and mean. I think she may be even meaner the Mrs. D. I shuddered and found a seat near the back of the room.

I took a seat next to a nice looking girl, but after meeting the Math teacher Mrs. Clark I was not going to judge a person by how they looked just how they acted. I smiled over at her and she rolled her eyes at me. Yup, she was definitely not a nice person.

The guy to my left seamed nice to he even smiled over at me. He extended his hand and I shook it. Wow maybe he was nice after all. I handed him my card, when he read it he looked at me and said.

"Hey that's cool I always thought girls talk too much anyway. My name is Kris. What's yours?" I took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote on it. (Penny) Kris smiled at me. He then turned to the front of the class. He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. (Hey now I have a legit reason to write notes in class, Nice to meet you Penny). Well he was nice. Class suddenly turned sour when Mrs. Clark spoke. I rolled my eyes and tried to listen. This was going to be a long hour. Maybe Kris would help keep me company.

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