Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

*Alpha Carter*

After Penny contacted me, I was furious. I linked Jacob to let him know to be extra careful. He was just as furious as I was. But I sent him and Heather to school. I told him I would handle this personally. I called David and Doctor Panama to join me as we rushed to Trudy Fallon's home. On the way Dr. Panama gave me the rundown on how this poison might affect a young girl who just practically came into her wolf. Hopefully it wasn't a fatal dose. I was worried about why she would do this, what were her motives. Was Bobby involved in this in any way? I had to get answers.

I was furious as I kicked in her door that led to the kitchen were Penny said she was. David and the Pack Doctor were right behind me. Bobby was sitting next to Penny but in a rush, he was on her fast, protecting her from the intrusion. 'That's a good sign I thought to myself'. But I still needed more. I commanded him to move away from her, using my Alpha tone. I could see the pain in his eyes to obey my orders. Penny just sat their motionless following the events with her wide expressive eyes. She didn't know what to do. She was in a state of shock.

With Bobby out of the way Trudy just sat at the table with a blank almost smug look on her face. She knew she was caught. Did she care though? She didn't make a move to run. Just sat there calmly drinking her own cup of coffee as the Dr. looked over Penny.

When Penny mentioned she used her powers of mind reading on her, Trudy's eyes went wide. Now I know she knew she was caught. Bobby was just as distraught as Penny was. I could see the turmoil on his face. I knew he had no part in this. I could tell by his actions and Penny's response towards him. I was praying to the moon Goddess Penny would be ok.

Back at our house I had David take Trudy down to the holding cells in our basement. One of the rooms used for prisoners. This room was used for criminals. I had it painted with silver paint. Just enough silver added to the paint to cause weakness over the length of exposure. Just walking in the room to place a person in custody would not harm us. But over the time they spent in there they would get weaker. It would only take a week in this room to kill a wolf with just this paint alone.

We stood outside at the command box. A small window with a speaker and microphone. She could hear us, and we could hear even the smallest of a whisper from inside. Everything would be recorded as well.

"Mrs. Fallen can you hear me, this is your Alpha Speaking." Alpha Carter said.

"I can hear you just fine." She said with a sinister look.

"Do you want to tell me just why you wanted to kill my daughter?" Carter demanded.

"Nope, but I'm sure you will get it out of me one way or another." She spat out.

"Your damn right I will. I will keep you here until I know the truth and depending on Penny's survival will depend on your sentencing."

"Just Kill me now! You have taken everything I have ever loved away from me and now my only son is shacked up with that bitch!" She screamed out in anger.

"I have never taken away anything from you, my daughter is no bitch, and you have no right speaking about her like that. Your son is mated to her, the Moon Goddess paired them herself. It's their destiny. Killing her would have ripped your sons heart out. She is in the infirmary fighting for her life right now." I spat back at her.

"Good, because that's more of a chance then my own husband was given! Was it the Moon Goddess who destined me to live without my mate just so he could serve you and get killed looking for your abominations?" She retorted.

"My twins are no abominations; they were a gift from the Goddess." He spoke. "It was an accident your husband Richard was killed in." He said solemnly.

"He died looking for your kids, while I was left without a husband and little Bobby grew up without a proper father, and now out of some horrid twist of fate he is tied to her. Do you call that fair?" she asked.

"I call it love; He loves her. She was so upset to find out Jacob and her were the reason Richard died. She ran from Bobby when she found out. She locked herself in her room. She was afraid of rejection. She couldn't see how someone could love her, want to be her mate when they were the cause of his father's death. But it was an accident. Bobby sat outside of her room for hours talking to her trying to calm her down. Bobby knows it was an accident, and it played no part in who he loves. If Bobby can get past this, then you can too." He said with genuine concern in his tone.

"Never! He should have rejected her." she growled out, baring her teeth. "If I had the chance, I'd do it again!" She stated.

I ordered David to stand guard. Leave her in there for six hours no food or water. Wait until she calms down the silver will weaken her. Then I would talk to her again, the only thing left to do is sentence her to death. I know Bobby will be upset with this decision,

but the punishment for a crime like this was death.

I walked back to the infirmary and asked Bobby to join me out in the hall. He didn't want to leave her side. I knew how he felt, I could never stand it when my wife was hurting.

"Don't worry for right now her mother and Jacob are with her. I need to talk to you about your mom." I said to him. He gave me a grim look and carefully got off the bed not wanting to hurt her more.

Outside in the hall he kept his head lowered. "I want to apologize for my mother's actions. I don't understand why she would do this." Bobby told me apologetically. Then Changing his tone. "Yes Alpha. About my mother. Her actions are irreprehensible." Bobby said. I could feel his disgust rolling off him in waves. His hair bristled.

"Calm down, now is not the time for your wolf to come out. Your mom blames the twins for your father's death. She wanted revenge. I need you to find out any more information you can from her. I need to know if she was working alone." I asked him.

****Please Share My Story**** Sorry its been a while since my last post.

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