Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

*Alpha Carter*

Once the new group of boys were brought up to speed and I sent them to bed for the night. I stayed up with Joann. We have been spending the last week pouring over any books or documents we could find. Even anything paranormal that might relate to our situation. I was impressed how well Penny could wiz out of the room and back so easily now she called it blinking, because that's how fast it looked. No doubt she's been practicing behind my back. I'm proud of her though she's taking this rather well, she's tougher than she looks.

Our new theory is the Doctor might need the healing abilities for some reason. Maybe for himself or someone else. The men I had sent to watch Bobby's home said they haven't seen any sign the Doctor has been back to her house since she was arrested. Doesn't matter her death has been set for this Friday. Only four days from tonight by lethal injections.

We had come up with a lethal injection that works very well it's a concentrated liquid wolfbane and silver powder mixed with silver nitrates. This combination spread throughout the body killing off any regenerative properties and destroys the body within minutes turns a werewolf to dust. Highly efficient and none reversable. I hate having to put down one of my own pack members, but she is clearly insane and guilty. The injection was faster and more humane than me slashing her throat our yanking her heart out, although it wouldn't bother me after what she did. But we as a pack wanted to be more humane and not like our ancestors. Just because our beast could kill fast doesn't mean we can't use technology to aide us. There's no place in our society for someone that dangerous. Most wolves that act like she did were rogues.

I was trying to come up with a way to contact other packs surrounding our area in a way that didn't send alarms off or trigger anything. We never notified any of our pack neighbors we had children, so they never knew we found them. The surrogacy was a secret. We also needed to find out if anyone has ever seen werewolves with magic abilities. There is one pack I did have in mind though.

"Do you think those boys will be Jacobs Betas when he takes over the pack?" Joann said interrupting my thoughts. I looked up at her and thought for a moment.

"They could. All four are very strong and work well with each other. They have been training for years. And I don't see why he can't have more than one Beta. I like that Jacob initiated this group. It shows he will be a strong leader. But I'm not retiring anytime soon. We need to get past these threats first. Then graduating High School and College.

"They are a good group of kids. I'm glad to have them around. I liked seeing so many kids in the house and tonight Penny looked so happy." Joann beamed. It felt good to see his wife happy.

"I'm going to call the Crescent Moon Pack tomorrow." I told her.

*Alpha Carter*

The next day I get up early and start the coffee for all the kids. I don't know why I call them kids most are almost eighteen. I guess it's just a habit I think to myself.

"Good morning." I say to them all as they file into the kitchen.

"I wish we didn't still have to go to school while all this was going on." Penny wined. Even though she wanted to go back to school.

"It sets a good example. This way the pack has no idea there is trouble brewing and it could draw out anyone involved. They might slip up." I replied. I handed the pot of coffee off to the next person. "I'm going to call the Crescent Moon Pack today and talk to Alpha Dillion. He has a large pack on the east coast. His pack has an old history, maybe his family has some knowledge of magic or powers or has an idea of what is to come." I said to the group. They all just nodded in agreement. I think it's too early to get any reactions from them, they are not awake yet.

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