Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Penny sat with her dad and Bobby in his office. They all watched as Jacob led Heather out of the room. It was silent for a long time as they all took in what had happened. Penny can teleport herself to different areas just by imagining them. They all wanted to know the limits of this gift, but at the same time they were terrified of the cost. How many times could she teleport before it took a toll on her body. Was the teleporting and her visions her only gifts? What will Jacobs gifts be, and how come he has not displayed any of them yet?

'I want to see how far I can teleport.' Penny said suddenly, interrupting her dad and mates train of thought. Because she doesn't speak out loud her thoughts rang loud in their heads.

"No. Absolutely not!" Her father exclaimed. "We need to inform your mother on the recent events. I'm sure she will have a few words to say." Her father used his link to summon Joann. They sat in silence till she arrived. Bobby sat with Penny and held her in his arms. Penny was thinking to herself. Was he trying to keep her grounded?

Joann entered the room with a smile on her face. She has no idea what she was in for. But Penny was sure she would become the over protective mother once she found out.

"How's the testing going, find any new gifts?" Joann asked everyone in the room. She walked over to her husband and stood next to him.

"Well, we did discover a new gift, but now honey I don't want you to be upset." Richard said to his wife. Joann raised her eyebrows at his remark.

"Well?" She asked.

"Penny can teleport from one room to another, in fact she's done it twice!" Richard blurted out, wanting to get it out of the way.

"Really? That's amazing. Oh, what a wonderful gift to have. No one has ever done that before. I've only seen such things on sci-fi movies. This is wonderful to have this happen to my own daughter and in real life as well." Joann was delighted, this kind of reaction puzzled everyone. They were sure she was going to become protective or freak out I mean it is kind of weird and not normal.

"I want to see." Joann suddenly added.

"No I don't think it's a good idea, it may drain her we don't know what kind of repercussions this will have on her, what happens if she uses the gift to much?" Father stated.

'No, I want to. I feel fine I don't feel tired or anything.' Penny informed her mother and father. But saying this made Bobby only hold her tighter. Bobby had the same ideas as her father. They were the ones acting overprotective. Penny decided to take the decision it into her own hands. She started to think about the empty space at the end of the couch they both sat on. It was soft and warm and not Bobby's lap. She focused on how comfortable she was and where she wanted to go. The same warm feeling came over her just like the last two times she tried this. She could feel herself fizzle out then fizzle back in. When penny opened her eyes, she was still seated in Bobbies lap. What in the world I'm still in his lap?

Both her mother and father stared at her with their mouths gapping open. She realized it did work and she did move to the end of the couch, only Bobby had teleported with her. Now suddenly she became excited.

'Oh, my goodness, I can't believe I just did that!' Penny exclaimed. She jumped up from Bobbies lap and began jumping in place with excitement. "I Can move more than one person."

'Oh this is awesome I have got to tell Jacob about this.' Penny tried to run out of the office, but Bobby grabbed her hand stopping her before she could take off. Penny looked back at her mate. He had a huge smile across his face.

"That was so exciting. I can't believe you just did that with me." Bobby pulled Penny down to his lap and squeezed her tight. This caused her mother and father to snap out of their shock.

"Wow that was impressive." Joann said with admiration.

"That was the scariest thing I've ever witnessed, again." Richard said fearfully.

"Oh Richard relax, this is amazing. My turn next." Joann shouted with joy and jumped up and ran towards Penny. Penny was excited as well. Bobby was still reeling in excitement that he didn't notice Penny was no longer on his lap.

"Joann, stop this instance. Let's think this over first. We need to talk about this first. I don't like Penny becoming an amusement park ride, were everyone gets a turn. Taking Bobby was probably an accident." Richard shouted.

Everyone just stood in the office not knowing what to say or do. Everyone had question and concerns. Bobby was still in awe of his teleporting. Joann just wanted her own turn and Penny's father Richard was the only one concerned. After what felt like forever the door to the office opened with Jacob and Heather walking in. Both had wide silly smiles on their faces. Penny knew why too. They both accepted their mating to each other.

"So, what's up." Jacob said nonchalantly. Heather was all smiles. They both sat down together on the other couch across from were Bobby sat. Dad was in his chair, Penny and mom were standing. Penny sat back down with bobby and mom took her seat also.

"Your sister has teleported again." Dad sad to Jacob. "Only this time she took Bobby with her."

Jacob looked like he wanted to say something, his mouth was opening and closing not sure what to say.

"How did you do it?" Heather asked breaking the silence.

'So far, what I do is I close my eyes and think about where I want to go, then I feel all warm and fuzzy and Wala I'm there. Except when I did it the first time. I was in the basement just trying to see into Jacob's mind. Like read his mind but with pictures. I saw some but then teleported instead. I'm not sure If I can separate the two things." Penny told everyone while looking at Heather. She was perfect for her bother. Penny thought the two of them might be friends eventually.

"Maybe you can't read mind during the current event, while it happens. You said you saw what happened to Angel and that was after the event. When you tried to see me earlier it was happening currently. Try reading someone's mind right now see if you can see anything." Jacob suggested.

'Who do you suggest. What should I look for?' I questioned

Jacob said "Surprise us."

I sat there thinking for a while. I know everyone in this room except Heather and Bobby. I decided to choose Heather she was the newest person around me. I might find something easier from her. I thought closing my eyes might help so I did. I let my mind drift, closer to Heather. In my head I was dark then I could see life off to the side. I drifted towards that area. The light got brighter and filled my field of vision. A picture came into focus. What was this? It looks like one of the hallways at the school. I was standing near the lockers with a few girls, I didn't recognize them. But my head turned down the hallway and I saw my brother walking towards me. We made eye contact and it made my heart flutter. Heathers heart flutter. I felt her feelings. She thought Jacob was cute. Jacob passed Heather and she went back to talking to her friends. I opened my eyes and smiled at Heather.

"Heather, you saw my brother in the hallway at school yesterday and you thought he was cute." I said a matter of factually. Heather blushed and Jacob's mouth gabbed open.

'I didn't think she saw me I was trying to avoid her yesterday.' Jacob said to only me in my mind.

"Yea I saw him yesterday, in the hallways just like you said. I did think he was cute. Who knew I'd be sitting here today." Heather beamed.

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